November 19, 1993

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 9:27 a.m. on Friday, November 19, 1993, in the 18th Floor Board Room of U.S. Bank of Washington, in Seattle, Washington.

Present: William R. Wiley, President; Regents Richard R. Albrecht, Phyllis J. Campbell, R.M. “Mac” Crow, Richard A. Davis, John W. Ellis, Scott B. Lukins, Louis H. Pepper, and Kate B. Webster; President Samuel H. Smith, Provost Thomas F. George, Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie A. Giffen, Vice President for University Affairs Stanton E. Schmid, University Counsel Sally P. Savage, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Robert V. Smith, Vice Provost for Student Affairs K. J. “Gus” Kravas, Senior Assistant Attorney General Paul Tanaka, Executive Director of Budget and Planning Gregory P. Royer, Associate Vice President for University Advancement Connie Kravas, Assistant Vice President for University Relations Barbara Petura, Faculty Senate Chair Carolyn Clark, Staff Senate President Tori Byington, Alumni Association President Marlene Fallquist, and ASWSU President Heather Metcalf.

1. Opening Remarks. Regent Dick Davis welcomed all to the meeting and explained that Regent Bill Wiley was at a meeting involving President Bill Clinton. He stated that Regent Wiley would join the meeting later in the morning.

President Smith thanked Regent Phyllis Campbell for hosting the meeting. He mentioned that the meeting was beginning late due to the many events taking place in connection with the Asian Pacific Economic Conference.

2. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of the meeting of October 15, 1993. Carried.

3. Higher Education Coordinating Board. Provost Tom George said that Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Geoff Gamble was at the HEC Board meeting representing WSU. He said a new program, the doctoral program in Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, is before the HEC Board for approval. He also stated that at the last HEC Board meeting on October 28, 1993, a masters in Health Policy and Administration was approved and that this program is conducted between WSU Spokane and the College of Pharmacy. Dr. George announced that Larry Hansen, Publisher of the Everett Herald, is a new member of the HEC Board, effective December 1, 1993.

4. Report by the Vice Provost for Research. Vice Provost for Research Bob Smith provided copies of the latest issue of Universe magazine and mentioned that journal is the second issue in the sixth year of publication.

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Dr. Smith announced that the graduate program in American Studies is the recipient this year of the American Studies Summer Institute Award. Dr. Smith provided some information about WSU’s American Studies Program and mentioned that it is a unique, interesting, and strong program that is based primarily in English, History, and Comparative American Cultures.

5. Revision to the 1992 Faculty Manual, Section IV, Faculty Personnel Policies, Professional Leave. Provost George provided some supporting information about this action explaining that under the current rules, a faculty member on academic appointment would receive less total remuneration for a leave of, for example, 5.5 months than for a leave of 4.5 months. He said the proposed changes will correct this unintended result.

It was moved and seconded that, effective immediately, the Board of Regents approve the revision in Exhibit A to the 1992 Faculty Manual, Section IV, Faculty Personnel Policies, Professional Leave, page 48, last paragraph. Carried.

6. Establishment of a Degree of Master of Health Policy and Administration at WSU Spokane. It was moved and seconded that, effective Spring Semester 1994, the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to establish the degree of Master of Health Policy and Administration at WSU Spokane. Carried.

7. Report by the Provost. Provost George reported that OFM is working on a supplemental budget for the Governor to present to the legislature and that it will include reductions and unavoidable cost increases. He said that as an exercise all state agencies have been asked to provide a plan for reductions of 2 percent. Dr. George said the following things were asked as a part of this exercise: cuts in administration, travel, and equipment. He said they have also asked that three programs be identified for reductions.

Dr. George said that WSU responded with a letter outlining the reductions in higher education occurring over the last 30 months, which have totaled about 10 percent of the budget. He said WSU’s response indicated the damage that has been done to higher education and asked that these budget reductions not be taken.

Dr. George outlined the areas targeted by OFM and provided the following information:

Administration. WSU has cut very deeply in administration relative to the rest of the University.

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Over 10 percent of Pullman administration was cut in July, compared to 0.6 percent for instruction (after distribution of tuition funding)

17 central administrative positions were eliminated

WSU continues to look for administrative efficiencies

Demands for administration (long term and emergency planning, program and environmental assessment, reporting to governmental agencies, redesigning programs to improve service, etc.) are increasing


WSU has cut state funded travel by 57 percent since 1989-91, from $4,614,000 to $1,971,000 per biennium

Additional travel cuts are possible, but are already hindering the development of branch campuses, supervision of student services, delivery of extension services, etc.


WSU has cut state funded equipment by 40 percent since 1989-91, from $8.8 million to an estimated $4.5 million

It would take 30 years to replace inventory at the current funding rate

Additional equipment cuts are possible, but quality of service would be reduced

Dr. George said that if additional reductions are required at WSU, the reconfiguration process will continue to be used, that all campuses will share in reductions, and that reductions will be based on quality, centrality, need, and cost.

Please see Exhibit B for WSU’s detailed response to the Office of Financial Management with regard to the request for a 2 percent reduction plan.

Regent Davis said he feels that great progress has been made and that the cuts that have taken place took a lot of hard work. Mr. Davis encouraged Provost George to continue to find audiences to communicate the successes that have occurred with

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regard to reductions taken. He said there are many individuals who do not understand the higher education story, so that constant communication about the University’s efforts to make itself more efficient will build WSU’s credibility.

Regent Campbell added that WSU has done a lot of excellent things that have put it ahead of other institutions in the state. She also encouraged Provost George to continue to tell WSU’s story. She said that legislators, in particular, need to hear this and that grassroots support needs to be further developed.

President Smith agreed that information about the reconfiguration process needs to be more widely disseminated. Regent Albrecht said he feels that external constituencies do not appreciate the reconfiguration process and that WSU has actually undertaken significant changes, such as the development of the reconfiguration process and the actual termination of programs. President Smith said there will be opportunities in the next few months to continue to communicate this information.

Regent Ellis said that unfortunately 2 percent sounds easy and that all state agencies will write their own letters indicating they have been working hard to cut costs, too. He said he agrees with Regent Davis that we cannot say we have already cut costs and therefore our efforts are complete. We must offer an ongoing program of continuing increased efficiency.

It was resolved that WSU should continue the strategy of reconfiguration and communications relative to the process and the resulting reductions taking place within the University.

8. Report by the Vice Provost for Student Affairs. With regard to the retirement of Vice President for University Affairs Stan Schmid, Vice Provost for Student Affairs Gus Kravas thanked him for his support of the students over the past ten years.

Dr. Kravas shared information about his travel with the Admissions’ team, which has been conducting “WSU Information Nights” at high schools around the State. He said they have visited with future students and their parents and remarked that he was impressed with how important the issue of finances is for these students. He stated that WSU is doing everything possible to make sure finances are manageable.

Dr. Kravas also provided a report on what Student Affairs is doing with its staff to keep them informed on how to continue to serve students in times of cutbacks. He said they have been taking advantage of resources that currently exist, such as conducting workshops on campus and using current technology, such as participating in teleconferences. He said an example of keeping the staff on the cutting edge is that WSU has been involved in a national community service learning project to answer the

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question of how the students of the 90’s differ from the students of the 80’s and what the implications are of this. He said WSU has created a panel of individuals who researched this question and discovered that the students of today have moved away from the “me generation” of the 80’s and are more interested in community issues such as controlling pollution. He said they feel the government should do more to influence social values and promote racial understanding. He said one implication of this is that staff and students want to get more involved in community service learning to work together to get things accomplished.

9. Report by the Vice President for Business Affairs. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen provided a status report on the following major projects on the Pullman campus:

Vet Teaching Hospital. Construction began in October 1993 and is scheduled for completion in July 1995.

Glenn Terrell Mall. Construction began in June 1993 and is scheduled for completion in January 1994. Many of the trees have been planted and that the asphalt has been put in. There are also two pending art projects for the mall in which the Washington Arts Commission is involved. Weather will be a factor in completion of this project.

Intramural Field. The completion of this project is scheduled for April 1994; some work remains on the restroom facility.

Veteran’s Memorial. Dedication of this memorial took place on November 11, 1993. It includes the names of 300 students, faculty, and staff who were involved in America’s wars.

HhHolland Library. Completion of this project is scheduled for January 1994. There are some problems with furnishing of the shelving, which has caused some difficulty. It is hoped that this installation will be completed by May 1994.

Regent Phyllis Campbell asked when the completion of the Child Care Center will take place, and Ms. Giffen responded that it is scheduled to be open for business in January. She added that the facility is very nice. Regent Webster asked if the entire facility will be open, and Ms. Giffen responded that there was only enough money to open a portion of it but that other funding will come later. Regent Campbell asked whom the facility will serve, and Ms. Giffen responded that it serves students, faculty, and staff. This facility will add 23 spaces to the capacity of the current facility.

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10. Contracts under Previous Delegation of Authority. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that, on the authority delegated to the President by the Board of Regents at the meeting of January 24, 1986, she had approved entering into contract with the following:

Art’s Electric, Moscow, Idaho, for the installation of fume hoods in rooms 120 and 120A of Wegner Hall, in the amount of $136,974, including sales tax, contingency, equipment, and miscellaneous costs, to be paid from Minor Capital Improvement and Minor Capital Renewal funds.

3-H Mechanical, Inc., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, for the chilled water system retrofit in the Chemistry Building, in the amount of $67,063, including sales tax, contingency, and miscellaneous costs, to be paid from Minor Capital Improvement funds.

11. Completion of Contracts over $2,500. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve, for purposes of RCW Chapters 60.28 and 39.08, the satisfactory completion of the following contracts:

Colvico, Inc., Spokane, for the East Campus Substation Expansion–Phase II, in the final amount of $450,588, including alternates, change orders and sales tax, to be paid from Major Capital funds.

AGA Systems, Inc., Clackamas, Oregon, for the removal of underground storage tanks in the final amount of $397,202, including change orders and sales tax, to be paid from Minor Capital Renewal funds.

Specialty Asbestos, Spokane, for the replacement of moveable scrim ceiling and rigging in the Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum in the final amount of $244,939, including change orders and sales tax, to be paid from Minor Capital Renewal funds.

Atkinson Construction Company, Inc., Spokane, for the subdivision of room 52 in Murrow West in the final amount of $85,967, including alternates, change orders and sales tax, to be paid from Minor Capital Improvement funds.

D & S Electrical Contractors, Clarkston, for the transformer and switchboard upgrade at Cooper Publications in the final amount of $56,282, including alternates and sales tax, to be paid from Minor Capital Renewal funds.

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12. Summer Session 1994 Tuition and Summer Session 1994 Services and Activities Fees. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to increase summer 1994 tuition (resident and nonresident) from $113/SCH undergraduate and $145/SCH graduate to:

Undergraduate $127/SCH (12.39 percent increase)

Graduate $163/SCH (12.41 percent increase)

It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to increase summer 1994 Services and Activities Fees from $9.72/SCH to $10.93/SCH (12.4 percent increase).


Regent Phyllis Campbell asked if ASWSU concurred with the above increases, and Ms. Giffen responded that they did.

13. Report by the Vice President for University Affairs. Vice President for University Affairs Stan Schmid provided information with regard to some of the events occurring in his area, such as the Apple Cup Rally at the Westin Hotel later in the evening. He restated an earlier invitation to the Regents to attend this event. He also invited the Regents to attend the tent party put on by the Alumni Association to occur before the Apple Cup game on Saturday, November 20 on the intramural fields near the stadium. Mr. Schmid also spoke about why televising the Apple Cup game is so important, not only in terms of the money received for doing so, but because of the event itself. He said this is an excellent opportunity for the schools to communicate to the public about what is happening at their institutions. He said although this will not be televised as was previously hoped that it would be televised on a cable satellite feed to select areas.

Mr. Schmid remarked that everything is going well with his unit and that since this was his last meeting, he wanted to say how good he feels about his organization. He mentioned that he is just a symbol of his area and that there is a great team behind him who have made great advancements in their careers. He said he feels great about having worked with the Regents over the past ten years.

14. WSU Foundation Gift Report for October 1993. Associate Vice President for University Advancement Connie Kravas said that the year-to-date total in donations and private grants was $14,702,733.

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Dr. Kravas also provided comments about the retirement of Vice President Schmid and said the Foundation has a lot of respect for him and that it will be difficult to see him go. She said he has made some great changes to his area and that his presence made a great deal of difference for both the institution and for her, professionally.

President Smith also added his comments to those of Dr. Kravas. He said Mr. Schmid had left a tremendous legacy and that he had really built up the area of advancement. He said Mr. Schmid raised the sites of the University and that WSU will continue to look to him as a friend.

15. Reports by University Groups. Faculty Senate Chair Carolyn Clark provided comments about end-of-the-semester activities, such as final lectures, preparation of final exams, and preregistration and faculty counseling, She mentioned that she is advising freshman for the first time in many years and also commented on the Alive! program. She said the students in this program are doing better than many students, because they have a clear purpose and they are a little more serious about what they are planning to do. Dr. Clark also reported on the reconfiguration process and some possible modifications to this. She said the faculty appreciate being part of the process but that they still do not understand that in order to grow, reconfiguration is necessary. She said the faculty still feel some apprehension about reconfiguration but that the administration has done a good job of keeping the faculty informed.

Staff Senate President Tori Byington thanked Vice President Schmid for his support of the Staff Senate and said he has been an unsung hero for pursuing staff’s concerns. Ms. Byington said the Senate is looking forward to some positive changes for the staff in the future and that the staff have become more interactive within the University. She said there is some conflict involved with this interaction, so they are working on conflict resolution and are finding ideas on how to find common ground between the faculty and the staff. She said they are looking forward to Vice President Sallie Giffen coming to speak to the Staff Senate to further educate them on the University, reconfiguration, etc. She said morale is increasing, that they are beginning to work on some fundraising ideas with the Faculty Senate and with Associate Vice President Connie Kravas to develop their ideas. Ms. Byington also reported on some concerns the staff has with regard to changes in status of employment or moving from being a Classified Staff member to an Administrative/Professional employee. She said the administration is helping to educate about this issue and that they are looking closely at this matter. Ms. Byington said she plans to bring to the Regents a constitution for approval and will also report on the Staff Senate Scholarship in the future.

ASWSU President Heather Metcalf provided some comments for GPSA President Oliver Bangera who was unable to attend the meeting. She provided

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comments about the following items: the new Graduate Student Lounge in Holland Library; the Career Fair; and the annual Indian Student Association dinner.

ASWSU President Heather Metcalf reported on a recent racial awareness conference and mentioned that there had been a couple of unfortunate racial issues on campus but that ASWSU had held a forum to address these issues. She said the administration helped in this area and that, specifically, President Smith met with the students and wrote a letter to the WSU Community that appeared in the Daily Evergreen. She also reported that the recently held sexual assault conference went very well and had a successful turnout; that they had a branch campus meeting at WSU Tri-Cities covering the revision of the constitution; and that they have been discussing the issue of Services and Activities Fees and how they are allocated to the branch campuses. Ms. Metcalf also thanked to Mr. Schmid for his support of the students.

Regent Davis commented that with regard to the recent racial issues on campus, the Regents have been keep informed and that they wholeheartedly supported the statement released by President Smith. He said they will do everything they can to continue to provide support.

Alumni Association President Marlene Fallquist said this has been a busy time for alums and that out-of-state alums have worked very hard with the University in hosting alumni for gatherings when the football team travels to away games. She said this is an excellent opportunity for alums to get together in away places. She added that she hopes the Regents have the opportunity to join them for their tent party tomorrow. She provided some comments about some future alumni activities, such as the New Year’s party being planned for the King County Alums. She said also that two alumni achievement awards were given this month: one to Dr. Shirley Gordon from Seattle who has been an educational leader in the State of Washington for 45 years, and another to Mr. Chip Hanauer, who is very dedicated to the Children’s Home Society. Ms. Fallquist thanked Mr. Schmid for his support of the mission of the Alumni Association.

The Regents adjourned for a short break at 10:25 a.m. to reconvene in Open Session at 11:05 a.m. Present: Regents Wiley, Albrecht, Campbell, Crow, Davis, Ellis, Lukins, Pepper, and Webster; President Smith, Dr. George, Ms. Giffen, Mr. Schmid, Ms. Savage, Dr. Smith, Dr. Kravas, Mr. Tanaka, Dr. Gamble, Mr. Royer, Dr. Kravas, Ms. Petura, Dr. Clark, Ms. Byington, Ms. Fallquist, and Ms. Metcalf.

16. Resolution Honoring Vice President Schmid. Regent Wiley said he had the pleasure of introducing the resolution honoring Vice President Schmid and the honor of asking Regent Kate Webster to read the resolution, as she was a Regent when Mr. Schmid was hired. He added that all the Regents have enjoyed working with Mr. Schmid.

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Regent Webster read the resolution appearing in Exhibit C. It was moved and seconded that the Regents adopt the resolution appearing in Exhibit C. Carried.

Vice President Schmid said that working for WSU was the best 12 years of his public service career and the highlight of his public service in the State of Washington. He said he served as an assistant to the Governor of the State of Washington and at the University of Washington but that WSU had been the best place to serve.

17. Presentation: Cooperative Extension Office in Seattle. Provost Tom George welcomed the King County representatives to the meeting and introduced Dr. Juana Royster, Chair of WSU King County Cooperative Extension. During Dr. Royster’s presentation, she also introduced John Little, Cooperative Extension Agent in the area of 4-H; Jan Grant, Cooperative Extension Agent in the area of Family Living; and Gladys Jennings, Associate Professor for Food Science and Human Nutrition. The presentation included a notebook of information about Cooperative Extension at WSU, highlighting its mission, goals, and accomplishments, and specifically many areas of the King County Office describing its various services and programs.

Regent Wiley commended Dr. Royster and the King County representatives for an informational and interesting presentation.

18. Cancellation of Board of Regents Meeting. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents meeting scheduled for December 18, 1993, be canceled. Carried.

19. Closing Remarks. President Smith thanked Dr. Royster for the presentation. Dr. Smith also thanked Regent Kate Webster for her service to the Board of Regents over the past 18 years. He said she has been the backbone of the board.

The meeting adjourned at 12:24 p.m. on Friday, November 19, 1993.