October 20, 2006
The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 9:30 a.m., on Friday, October 20, 2006 at the Student Academic Center, Room 241, Spokane, Washington.
Present: Regent Kenneth Alhadeff, Chair; Regents, Elizabeth Cowles, Theodore Baseler, Francois Forgette, Laura Jennings, Christopher Marr, Connie Niva, and Kyle Smith; President V. Lane Rawlins, Provost and Executive Vice President Robert C. Bates, Vice President for Business Affairs Greg Royer, Vice President for Information Systems Mary Doyle, Vice President for University Relations Sally Savage, Vice President for Equity and Diversity Mike Tate, Vice President for Development Len Jessup, Senior Assistant Attorney General Antoinette Ursich, Faculty Senate Chair Chuck Pezeshki, ASWSU President Zach Wurtz, GPSA President Jason Doss, Alumni Association President Doug Tracey, Chair of WSU Foundation Board of Governors Mikal Thomsen, WSU Vancouver Chancellor Hal Dengerink, WSU Spokane Chancellor Brian Pitcher and WSU Tri-Cities Chancellor Vickie Carwein.
1. Chair of the Board of Regents. Regent Alhadeff welcomed everyone to the Board Meeting. He also welcomed Larry Culver who started his term as Chair for the WSU Foundation Board of Governors.
2. President of the University. President V. Lane Rawlins welcomed everyone to the Board Meeting and also thanked Chancellor Pitcher for hosting the meeting at the new Student Academic Center on the Spokane campus.
3. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of the September 15, 2006, and September 25, 2006 meetings. Carried.
4. Presidential Search Update. Regent Alhadeff called upon Regent Niva to provide an update on the presidential search. Regent Niva reported that public forums had been held around the state, including Pullman, the Tri-Cities, Vancouver, and Spokane, and that an additional forum was scheduled in Seattle. She indicated that she, the other Regents, and committee members attending had learned a great deal through this process. She noted that as Regents that they have never had such a tremendous opportunity to learn about the institution. She said that forum attendees were asked to respond to two issues: 1) to share their perceptions about what they want WSU to look like in three to five years; and 2) what qualifications a new president should have to reach those goals. Regent Niva stated that the community feedback on these questions is being provided to the consultant, who is making contacts and seeking candidates for the position. Additionally, this information is also important to members of the presidential search advisory committee. Regent Niva remarked that the committee will be working hard in the next few weeks as it works to present a slate of candidates to the Regents, who will choose the next president of WSU.
Regent Niva said that the committee is also receiving nominations, and she reviewed the process for making a nomination which is outlined on the presidential search website. She stated that the Regents and committee members will continue to reach out to constituent groups to seek feedback on the qualifications and characteristics of the next president and that the process will continue to be inclusive, while names of candidates would remain confidential. She stated that there would be no sharing of candidate names, nor did the Regents plan to bring a short list of candidates to the university for campus interviews. She emphasized that candidate confidentiality was critical in order to attract and maintain a strong pool. She stressed that the Regents were very aware of their legal obligations and would continue to operate the search cognizant of these duties. Regent Niva closed by stating that she and the other Regents were enjoying the process and that they were benefiting from their visits to the other campuses and becoming acquainted with faculty, staff, and students interested in the presidential search.
5. Reports from University Groups:
Faculty Senate Chair Chuck Pezeshki reported that the faculty senate has begun a series of activities. He indicated that they have charged the Library Committee to prepare a comprehensive plan for the future of the Libraries in light of economic concerns regarding availability of journals and other scholarly materials. Other activities include continued efforts review and present programs for the refreshing the General Education Requirements; improve salaries for faculty members who continue to serve the University in many capacities; and continued efforts to provide for early childhood care for faculty and graduate students. He added that the Student Conduct Code is close to a final review by the Academic Affairs Committee and is expected to be coming before the Senate this fall.
GPSA President Jason Doss reported that October marked the first time in at least three years that the GPSA has had a full executive council. He added that they have changed the format of their senate meetings to include an educational aspect by bringing in speakers, which has been very successful in bringing new ideas and solutions to the senate, as well as increased interest in GPSA. He also reported that they have changed their committee structure and the process in which senators are appointed to committees. This new structure was designed to increase participation and to encourage stronger involvement. He added a new GPSA Athletics Programming Committee to coordinate efforts with Athletics, which should appeal to graduate, and professional students.
ASWSU President Zach Wurtz reported on the inaugural Cougar Leaders Retreat that involved representatives from MSS, ASWSU, Campus Involvement, IFC/PAN, RHA and many other campus groups and organizations. The purpose of the annual retreat is to develop networking and leadership strategies. He reported that they are busy revamping their elections codes and are also working with groups to fund programs both on and off campus. Lastly, he reported on the activities held over Homecoming and added that the week of celebration was highlighted by a community-wide scavenger hunt where over 100 prizes were given out including a semester of free tuition and books.
Alumni Association President Doug Tracey reported that WSU Alumni Association was honored to have their accomplishments included on WSU’s Top-10 list of achievements this year. He reported on their annual Fall Board of Director’s Meeting that provided training to alumni volunteers on strategic planning aimed at continuing to strengthen the role of the Alumni Association’s role. He also reported that Scott Carson, President and chief executive office of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, was award the prestigious “Alumni Achievement Award.” Lastly, he reported that the Alumni Association completed a clean audit and balanced budget for the last fiscal year and that expanding the Alumni Association’s fiscal strength is one of their three strategic goals which ensure greater alumni support.
WSU Foundation Board of Governors Chair Mikal Thomsen introduced Larry Culver who is taking over the helm as Chair of the WSU Foundation Board of Governors. He reported that the Foundation Annual Trustee Meeting raised 4.2 million in a single day and that this will bring a great start to the 2007-year and the 75 million dollar goal that has been set. Lastly, he reported that he has had a wonderful time being Chair for the last two years and looks forward to serving the University in many other capacities.
Board Chairman Alhadeff read and presented a resolution to Mikal Thomsen commending him for his service to the University.
6. Executive, Planning, and Budget Committee. Regent Alhadeff reported that the committee reviewed the action on the 2007 supplemental budget request, which he recommends the Board to vote on. He also reported that the committee heard reports from each of the campus chancellors, reports on enrollments projections, a report on the WSU/UW joint budget request, and the committee also discussed legislative strategies.
The Board took action on the following:
2007 Supplemental Budget Request. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the 2007 Supplemental Budget Request and that the Board delegate authority to the President to approve changes or adjustments that may need to be made. Carried.
7. System Report. Hal Dengerink reported that the functioning of WSU as a multi campus university is becoming routine and that system thinking is currently very apparent in development of the academic plan. He added that each academic college and each campus has been preparing plans that identify their particular strengths and areas that will be emphasized as the university continues to define itself and develop specific strategic plans for expansion, development and investment. He said that planning across the university system for infrastructure elements such as information technology also continues. He reported that regular meetings with the IT directors include representatives from all campuses are to ensure that all campuses’ needs are being met and that all are contributing to shared solutions.
8. Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs Committee. Regent Cowles chaired the committee for Regent Niva. Regent Cowles reported that the committee spent a great deal of time discussing Co-location of Academic Planning and Health Sciences between Pullman and Spokane. She provided a brief history on WSU Spokane and also indicated that when the legislature redefined the Spokane as a co-location with Pullman, it took time to figure out what that meant. In two very short years, Spokane has become a campus with a clear vision. She added that WSU Spokane’s role in the WSU system focuses on research and graduate, professional, and upper-division undergraduate education that capitalizes on Spokane’s many opportunities for applied research and teaching in the health professions and biomedical sciences, design disciplines, educational leadership, and policy studies. She also reported that the committee continued their discussion on benchmarks on Equity and Diversity. She added that in order for WSU to achieve a ranking in the top 25% of peers in racial/ethnic diversity of the student body, racial/ethnic and gender diversity of the faculty and increase graduation rates by 2010 that we have some serious work to do. She added that part of the problem is that many reports show that ethnicity is not recorded. The committee discussed strategies on the proposed benchmarks.
9. Report from the Provost and Executive Vice President. Provost Bates reported on the success of faculty in the College of Veterinary Medicine. He added that the success of faculty is one way to benchmark research and scholarship progress of recognition by others for achievements that have significantly advanced various disciplines. One of the most significant successes is that of Dr. Guy Palmer who has been elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. This prestigious group of 1600 members are mostly physicians, 16 are veterinarians, 5 of which have ties to WSU.
10. Report from the Vice President for Equity and Diversity. Vice President Tate reported on the progress being made in the area of Equity and Diversity at WSU. He reported that the Future Cougars of Color Diversity Luncheon raised over $107,000, the highest so far. He also reported that in effort to communicate more effectively, the Office of Equity and Diversity publishes an insert to be placed in WSU Today two times per year. He highlighted the work of the Disability Resource Center which provides knowledge, tools and a comfortable environment to more than 2000 students who require personalized accommodations. Lastly, he reported that WSU was selected to be the lead University on diversity in the Chronicle of Higher Education. He indicated that it was largely because of the decision of the Board of Regents and President Rawlins to create an Office of Equity and Diversity and a Vice President for Equity and Diversity that grew the attention of the editors and publisher of the Chronicle.
11. Business Affairs and Information Technology Committee. Regent Jennings reported that committee received an update on Data Security from Vice President Doyle and commended her for her work in tightening access to confidential information. She reported on the action items and also asked the Board to take action on an item that was listed as a future action on the McCluskey Addition due to increased costs if they wait until the November Board Meeting. She also reported that the committee discussed the future actions on Martin Stadium Project Financing Plan, revisions to the WAC Codes along with reports on capital projects and a Capital Construction Report.
The Board took action on the following:
WSU Pullman, Palouse Ridge Golf Course Clubhouse and Related Facilities, Schematic Design. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the schematic design for the clubhouse, cart storage and related facilities building for the new Palouse Ridge Golf Course, grant authorization to proceed and delegate authority to the President, or his designee, to advertise for bids and award a construction contract, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
WSU Vancouver, Undergraduate Classroom Building, Schematic Design. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve schematic design documents, grant authorization to proceed and delegate authority to the President, or his designee, to advertise for bids and award a construction contract, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
Recommendation to Delegate Limited Rule-Making Authority. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President, or the President’s designee, to adopt and repeal certain classes of “expedited rules,” as defined in RCW 34.05.353. Carried.
WSU Pullman, McCluskey Addition. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents grant authorization to proceed, and delegate authority to the President or his designee, to advertise for bids and award a construction contract, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
12. Report from the Vice President for Information Systems. Vice President Doyle added additional information on data security. She reported that they have been working with the IT directors from all WSU Campuses and are having dialogue to view the importance of technology and reported that they are paying much attention to data security at the same time. Vice President Doyle also provided an update on the search for the Vice President for Student Affairs. She indicated that qualifications are being reviewed and that nominations are being sent in at the same time.
13. University Development, University Relations and Athletics Committee. Regent Forgette reported that the committee spent significant time talking about the work in University Relations. The Committee was given a sneak peak at the new video spots promoting WSU and is amazed at the quality of work. The Committee also discussed the possibility of sending the Innovators Series videotapes to local channels since there is no cost to the University and to maximize WSU’s exposure. He also reported that the committee discussed the financial burden the Seattle Football game places on the Athletic Department. Since the game is not just a “game day,” but the centerpiece of the University’s “Seattle Week” that brings WSU such great exposure on the Westside, it doesn’t seem fair for Athletics to shoulder the full financial burden of the event.
14. Report from the Vice President for University Relations. Vice President Savage reported that she will show the TV spots the Regents Forgette referred to at the November Board of Regents Meetings. She also reported that there are exciting things going on in the area of student recruitment and the partnership between Student Affairs and University Relations. She indicated that Al Jamison will be providing an update on the most significant recruiting program, the Regents Scholars Program.
15. Report from the Vice President for University Development. Vice President Jessup reported on the upcoming Foundation Fall Meetings. He thanked Mikal Thomsen for his service as Chair for the past two years and welcomed Larry Culver.
16. Report from the Director of Athletics. Athletic Director Jim Sterk provided an update on the current sports activities. He added that Women’s Cross Country finished 17th in the country and that the Men’s Cross Country team finished 20th.
17. Student Affairs committee. Regent Marr reported for Regent Stone. He reported that the committee discussed and reviewed the future actions on the Standards of Conduct for Students, and the amendments to the WAC granting university staff access to residence halls. He also reported that the committee received a follow-up on retention and graduation of African-American Seniors at WSU and also received a report on the freshman admission application process.
18. Report from the Interim Vice President for Student Affairs. Interim Vice President Jamison reported on the hearing for the student conduct code and added that no students showed up for the hearing. He reported that 255 students were selected to receive scholarships under the Regents Scholars program. He thanked Regents Marr, Niva and Alhadeff for hosting receptions at their home for these bright students who qualified.
19. President’s Report. President Rawlins reflected on all the important issues of diversity, student conduct code, financing of projects, and fundraising discussed at this meeting, and pointed out that you cannot minimize one item over another. He added that these conversations happen because he has a staff that is willing to work together to achieve the goals of the institution’s strategic plan. He thanked his staff and the Board for their continued dedication.
20. Final comments and adjournment. Chairman Alhadeff encouraged everyone to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for the new College of Nursing Building and the Foundation Recognition Dinner Gala.
At 11:30 a.m. the Regents Meeting adjourned.
Approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting held on November 17, 2006, at Lighty Student Services, Room 405, Pullman, Washington.