October 17, 1997
The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 11:04 a.m. on Friday, October 17, 1997, in the Lewis Alumni Centre, Pullman.
Present: Richard R. Albrecht, President; Regents: Phyllis J. Campbell, Peter J. Goldmark, Joe King, and Carmen Otero; President Samuel H. Smith, Provost Gretchen Bataille, Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie A. Giffen, Vice President for Extended University Affairs Thomas L. Purce, University Counsel Sally P. Savage, Acting Division Chief Jan Frickelton, Faculty Senate Vice Chair Robert Greenburg, Staff Senate President Sandra Brabb, Alumni Association President Denny Jones, GPSA President Micki Archuleta, and ASWSU President Neil Walker.
Also present were: Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Geoff Gamble, Vice Provost for Student Affairs K. J. ÒGusÓ Kravas, Vice Provost for Human Relations and Resources Ernestine Madison, Executive Director of Budget and Planning Gregory P. Royer, Budget Director Karl Boehmke, Director of Statewide Affairs Larry Ganders, and Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs Ernest Renfro.
1. Welcoming Remarks and Introductions. President of the Board Richard Albrecht welcomed everyone to the meeting. President Smith also provided welcoming remarks and introduced the following individuals: Wes Leid, Interim Vice Provost for Research; Dorothy Detlor-Langan, Dean, Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education; William Budd, Chair, Environmental Science and Regional Planning; Dennis Clifton, Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, WSU Spokane; and Darrel Muehling, Chair, Department of Marketing.
2. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of the meeting of September 5, 1997. Carried.
3. Granting of Degrees. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation of the faculty that the candidates appearing in Exhibit A be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the Class of August 2, 1997. Carried.
4. Reports by University Groups. Faculty Senate Vice Chair Robert Greenburg reported on behalf of the Faculty Senate. He noted that good progress is occurring with revisions to the Faculty Manual and that they hope to have those before the Regents soon.
Staff Senate President Sandi Brabb reported on the Staff Senate Agreement with the Washington Federation of State Employees. She said the Staff Senate Executive Council agreed to recommend to the Senate body bylaw wording changes that will more clearly delineate the charge of the Staff Senate with regard to union-represented, civil service employees. She said the Staff Senate Executive Council also agreed to recommend that the Senate reclassify 26 senator positions as being appointed, rather than elected, and that Bargaining Unit representatives will be responsible for designating these appointed senators. She said the bylaw changes will be presented to the Senate body at the October 23 meeting with a vote to occur at the December meeting. In addition to the settlement agreement, Ms. Brabb reported on the Staff Accountability and Efficiency Task Force findings and recommendations and the newly organized Council of Higher Education Staff (CHES) group comprised of staff members from other staff organizations within the State who have the common goal of communicating staff issues in Olympia.
Alumni Association President Denny Jones reported on the Alumni AssociationÕs Board of Directors meeting held at the end of September. He said this was a well-attended meeting and that they had excellent speakers. Mr. Jones noted that one of the great things about the Alumni Association is their young leaders who are very active. He also reported on the development of a study group involving individuals both internal and external to the Association to review WSU priorities for the next 5-10 years. In addition, he said they will review how the Alumni Association can advance these priorities; what can or should the Alumni Association do for alumni; what can or should the Alumni Association do for other units on campus, such as Admissions; and what programs or resources are needed to accomplish these goals. He said this study group will inform some of the non-member association people what the association is about but that the bottom line will be what the association can do to advance the association and the school. He said this study group that will meet three times and will have results to report on by next spring.
GPSA President Micki Archuleta reported that she is pleased with the changes that have been made to the Student Recreation Center planning process and that her focus as GPSA President will now concern the governance of GPSA. In particular, she said GPSA will be voting on development of funding and affiliation criteria which, she noted, the organization does not currently have. She said she feels that GPSA should only offer programmatic funding to student organizations that have been officially recognized as WSU student organizations so that those they provide money to have agreed to abide by certain expectations of conduct, including WSU policies and procedures, and state and federal laws. She said she also has proposed other criteria for student group funding that she hopes will result in a competitive process whereby money is distributed in a fair and just manner. In addition to the student-group funding issues, Ms. Archuleta discussed issues relative to the diversity goals that are tied to the climate issues on campus. She said that although she commends the administration for its efforts, she feels that students need to feel a stronger shared commitment in these initiatives and that they need to feel empowered in terms of shared governance. She said that by supporting many and diverse groups, this empowerment can be achieved.
ASWSU President Neil Walker reported that ASWSU Vice President Brent Nysoe and he have been working to bring small groups of students together and start institutionalizing some programs to effectively improve campus climate. In addition to this, he said they are working on the completion of a comprehensive proposal designed to provide an upper level, student mentor project for new students to facilitate them through their coursework and understanding campus resources. He said they are working toward an adoption of a pilot plan for interested departments as early as next semester. Mr. Walker also reported that the issue of curriculum reform which has passed through a second ASWSU committee and is now before the ASWSU academic affairs committee. He said this plan calls for integration of a Òdiversity perspectivesÓ course into the liberal arts framework and the general education requirement. Mr. Walker stated that relative to safety issues on campus ASWSU is working in coordination with the residence hall and Greek leadership to set up a campus escort program and that they will be participating in the Annual Take Back the Night March soon. Mr. Walker noted that the ASWSU Senators are beginning to look at parking issues on campus.
Mr. Walker introduced two members of a student Coalition, Ms. Petra Guerra and Mr. Carlos Adams, who represented several students, faculty, and staff who were present at the RegentsÕ meeting to show support and concern relative to diversity issues on campus. Mr. Adams and Ms. Guerra read a letter addressed to the Regents from the members of the student Coalition. The letter recognized the commitment by the Administration, the Alumni, and the Regents to improve the climate at the University; however, it also stated that minority groups continue to be marginalized and entrenched as demonstrated by attitudes and actions of many in the campus community. The Coalition stated that they feel the responses to these issues have not been sufficient and that much has been lost in rhetoric. The letter provided examples that it says illustrate these issues and made several demands to the Regents to take action to redefine the commitment to diversity so that all members of the community can receive the best possible education.
Regent Phyllis Campbell thanked the members of the Coalition for coming to the RegentsÕ meeting. She said that as a Regent and a Cougar of Color, she appreciates the sentiments expressed. She noted that this is not a Òwe/theyÓ situation and that we are all interested in these issues. Regent Carmen Otero also thanked the Coalition and said that this was a topic at the Academic Affairs Committee meeting, which they would report on later in the meeting. Regent Dick Albrecht advised that there is no quick fix to these issues, that there is a long way to go, but that we will find a way to get there. He thanked the Coalition for expressing their concerns and for their professionalism in doing so.
5. 1998 Supplemental Budget Request. Provost Gretchen Bataille stated that the Regents had approved the 1998 Supplemental Budget request at the last RegentsÕ meeting and delegated authority to the President to make minor changes to the request for submission to the Office of Financial Management, which occurred on October 15, 1997. She noted the changes that were made to the request, including the following: a change to the classroom request under ÒCOP K-20 Network Initiative on Instructional Access and QualityÓ that was originally in the amount of $1,202,000 and that was reduced $1,085,000; a change to ÒAdjustments of funds paid other agencies,Ó that had no amount listed and that is now listed at $3,291,571; and the addition of the item, ÒPERS to LEOFF ConversionÓ in the amount of $152,800, listed under ÒAdjustments of funds paid other agencies.Ó All the other items in the supplemental budget remained the same.
It was moved and seconded that the Regents reapprove the 1998 Supplemental Request as appears in Exhibit B. Carried.
6. Accreditation Report. Provost Gretchen Bataille reported that the last accreditation of WSU occurred in 1990. She noted that at that time, there were 10 areas of concern and that in 1995, WSU responded to the 10 areas and was successful in establishing that they had met the expectations. Provost Bataille reported that WSU is one of the early institutions to be reviewed under some new standards, such as the assessment in documenting outcomes being more important than resources and documenting inputs, that is, more importance is being placed on what we produce rather than we have to work with. She said the second point has to do with analysis. She said the accrediting agency will no longer accept a description but rather we need to analyze what we are doing and what the effects are. Also, we need to demonstrate how we have used this period of self-reflection to improve the institution, so that as we go through the process, we are expected to be thinking about what it is we are preparing, rather than doing it in a rote way. In addition, we have to demonstrate how the self-study work relates to the support of other institutional planning documents, so that the accreditation document cannot be seen as separate from everything else we are doing. She said we also must demonstrate how aware the entire campus is of the accreditation process and that we are really making an effort to involve the entire campus community. She said the final draft self-study report would be made to the Regents and other significant constituencies on the campus so that feedback can be obtained before the final report is released.
Regent Goldmark asked about the deadlines for reports. Graduate School Interim Dean Karen DePauw responded that the committee reports will be completed by February 1998, the review and drafting of the complete self-study will occur during the summer and early fall, there will be a review by the larger university community, and that the final document must be prepared for the accreditation team by January 1999. She said the visit is scheduled for April 14-16, 1999.
7. Academic Affairs Committee Report. Regent Carmen Otero stated that the Academic Affairs Committee had discussed the administrative statement for diversity. She said she suggests that these issues continue to be worked on, that no sudden decisions be made with regard to this issue, that time is allowed to study this, and that it should involve many people. In addition, she said they reviewed the supplemental budget and accreditation.
8. Planning Committee Report. Regent Peter Goldmark said that the Planning Committee discussed the nature of WSU in the future, the emerging enrollment numbers, some of the current trends, and together with the people from Institutional Research, analyzed the data of the enrollment of both the entering class and total enrollment at the main campus. He said they are trying to understand those trends and how we can redefine or reemphasize the mission of WSU to captivate and build upon its uniqueness to take advantage of that to continue the role of the central campus in light of the changing dynamics of higher education in the state and the nation.
9. Finance, Audit and Capital Committee Report. Regent Phyllis Campbell said they discussed with three subjects: intellectual property, trust lands, and facilities management. She said with regard to intellectual property, they received an update relative to current issues, such as the ethics law and how the research and Technology Park fits into that. With regard to trust lands, they received a status update on the issue of management fees and what the next steps will be.
10. Contracts under Previous Delegation of Authority (under $500,000). Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that on the authority delegated to the President of the University or his designee at the meeting of January 24, 1996, she has approved entering into contracts with the following:
3-H Mechanical, Coeur d’Alene, for Power Plant: Upgrade of Boiler Feedwater System, for a total cost of $370,619, including sales tales tax and contingency, to be paid from 1995-97 and 1997-99 Minor Capital Renewal funds.
Cecon Corporation, Tacoma, for the WWREC-Puyallup: Connect Avian Health Lab to City Sewer for the total cost of $129,451, including sales tax and contingency, to be paid from 1995-97 and 1997-99 Minor Capital Renewal funds.
Poe Asphalt Paving, Inc, Pullman, for Housing to resurface and repair of parking lots and roadways for a total cost of $114,982, to be paid from 1997-99 department funds.
11. Contracts under Previous Delegation of Authority (over $500,000). Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that on the authority delegated to the President of the University or his designee at the meetings March 15, 1996, she has approved entering into contract with Shimuzu American Corporation, Oregon, for the WSU Vancouver Phase II Development: Early Childhood/Education Facility, for a total amount of $2,937,800
12. Completion of Contracts over $2,500. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that on the authority delegated to her at the meeting of June 24, 1994, she had approved satisfactory completion of the following contracts:
Lydig Construction Co., for the Animal Science Laboratory Building in the final amount of $5,809,002.
Bouten Construction Co., for the Chemical Waste Collection Sites: Eastlick Hall, Wegner Hall, Engineering Complex Silver Recovery Unit in the final amount of $1,241,424.
Hartford Contracting, Inc., for the Puyallup, WA: Greenhouse Replacements, Contract #2 in the final amount of $892,197.
Summit Landscape Construction, Inc., for Stadium Way restoration of entrance in the final amount of $449,252.
Mike Coman Construction, for Clark Hall remodel of 3rd floor lab spaces in the final amount of $104,299.
BP contracting, Inc., for WSU Children’s Center retaining wall in the final amount of $70,344.
Klemo Construction, for Fulmer Annex Rooms 142, 144, 147A and 148A in the final amount of $35,686.
BP Contracting, Inc., for the North entrance Ad Annex to install handicap ramp in the final amount of $35,045.
Lewis & Clark Heating to Veterinary Quarantine Facility to replace ventilation system in the final amount of $26,747.
13. Consultant Selection Under Previous Delegation of Authority. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that authority was delegated to the President or his designee at the meeting of June 17, 1996, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to select and approve firms to provide design consulting services. As per this delegation Vice President Giffen provided this report to the Regents which they had also seen as part of their agenda packets prior to the meeting.
14. Delegation of Authority to Approve Selection of a Consultant Firm and Authorization to Proceed with Predesign and Schematic Design. It was moved and seconded that the WSU Board of Regents delegate authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to approve the selection of a consulting firm and grant permission to proceed with predesign and schematic design on the Scholars Hall and the Institute for Shock Dynamics. Carried.
15. Delegation of Authority to Approve a Contract with Intecom for maintenance of the Intecom PBX. It was moved and seconded the WSU Board of Regents delegate authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to approve a contact not to exceed $600,000 to Intecom for maintenance of the Washington State University Intecom E-21 PBX (telephone switch), as well as delegate authority to approve extensions to this contract in subsequent years. Carried.
16. Approval of Equipment Acquisition for Incinerator and Controls. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve acquisition and delegate authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to sign a contract up to approximately $1,250,000 to purchase: 1) dual chamber, controlled air incinerator with ram feeder and side loader; 2) wet scrubber system; and 3) continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) for the WSU Incinerator project. Carried.
17. Approval of Statement of Investment Policies and Objectives. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the revisions to the Statement of Investment Policies and Objectives as appear in Exhibit C. Carried.
Regent Dick Albrecht reported that he attended the meeting of the Regents/Foundation Endowment Investment Committee that met on October 16, 1997, and stated that he was one of two new Regent appointees to the Committee and that Regent John Ellis was the other appointee.
18. Student Recreation Center. Regent Dick Albrecht reported that the Finance, Audit, and Capital Committee had met earlier in the week to discuss the Student Recreation Center. He said they reviewed the status including the concerns expressed by student groups and also reviewed financing issues. He said no decisions were made or actions taken. He said there will be action at some point in the future for the Regents to take but that for now, the Committee is monitoring it.
19. Report by the Vice President for Extended University Affairs. Vice President for Business Affairs Les Purce reported on the development of student programs. He reminded the Regents that the legislature had authorized the exploration of the development of an educational consortium for North Snohomish County. He said they initiated an initial study and recommended the development of a facility to include WSU, CWU, WWU, and UW. He said that study is now into the second phase and involves actual, physical facilities and the assumptions of the educational components to be delivered at that site. He said he spent a day last week with architects, members of the HEC Board, and other members of the consortium, including individuals from three community colleges to discuss issues of program delivery. He said the implications are clear with regard to the level of planning with the people in that area and the expectations that they have for education, as a significant portion of that will be through distance education delivery via WHETS or other alternative technology. Vice President Purce also said the legislature also authorized the first phase studies for educational sites at Jefferson County and in the Okanogan County area. He said they are also involved in the additional planning phase in those areas, as well. He said that an emerging pattern exists in the state now that individual legislators have undertaken a process of looking at initial studies to explore the needs of people in their areas with follow-up recommendations for investment in regard to facilities in areas of the state that tend to be dispersed from the usual campuses or branch campuses that we know of. He said this would have implications for us in the future.
Vice President Purce also reported that we began the first community contacts in Goldendale for the seventh learning center that was authorized and directed by the legislature. He said they have begun the planning phases of that, along with members of Yakima Community College. He said it is anticipated that the Goldendale Learning Center will begin its first steps sometime around the first of the year.
Vice President Purce reported that last week they celebrated the 75th anniversary of public radio in this state. He said WSUÕs ÒamÓ station was the first and is clearly one of the regional and national leaders in the quality of public radio. He said we now have ten stations around the state of Washington and Idaho. He said we also have two other sites to be added soon—one in Omak and the other in Port Angeles. He said Ray Suarez, host of ÒTalk of the NationÓ, a National Public Radio program, was the speaker for the anniversary celebration. He noted that this talk was very well attended.
At 12:08 p.m., the RegentsÕ meeting adjourned.
Approved by the Board of Regents at
Its meeting held in the US Bank Building,
21st Floor Conference Room, Seattle,
Washington, November 21, 1997
President, Board of Regents
Secretary, Board of Regents