November 18, 2005

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 9:00 a.m., on Friday, November 18, 2005 at Ballroom E-F, Marriott Seattle Waterfront Hotel, 2100 Alaskan Way in Seattle, Washington.

Present: Regent Elizabeth Cowles, President; Regents Kenneth Alhadeff, Francois Forgette, Peter Goldmark, Laura Jennings, Joe King, Justin Leighton, Christopher J. Marr, Connie Niva, and V. Rafael Stone; President V. Lane Rawlins, Provost and Executive Vice President Robert C. Bates, Vice President for Business Affairs Greg Royer, Vice President for Information Systems Mary Doyle, Vice President for University Relations Sally Savage, Vice President for Equity and Diversity Mike Tate, Vice President for Development Len Jessup, Senior Assistant Attorney General Antoinette Ursich, Faculty Senate Chair Ken Struckmeyer, ASWSU President Isaac Wells, GPSA President DaVina Hoyt, Chair of WSU Foundation Board of Governors Mikal Thomsen, WSU Vancouver Chancellor Hal Dengerink, WSU Spokane Chancellor Brian Pitcher, and WSU Tri-Cities Interim Chancellor David Lemak.

1. President of the Board of Regents. Regent Cowles welcomed everyone to the Board Meeting.

2. President of the University. President V. Lane Rawlins also welcomed everyone to the Board Meeting.

3. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of the September 16, 2005 Board meeting. Carried.

4. Reports from University Groups:

Faculty Senate Chair Ken Struckmeyer reported that the senate leadership is working on a faculty value statement which will be a requirement that all faculty abide by. He added that the faculty is looking forward to the upcoming Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics conference that they are hosting and contributing to the discussions surrounding funding and athletics. He also added that the faculty leadership has been involved in various community meetings with the hope that communication and interaction between all facets of the University can be expanded and enhanced. He commented on how pleased the faculty is about showcasing their work.

Regent Cowles thanked Faculty Senate Chair Ken Struckmeyer for meeting with her and how important it is for the Regents to stay connected with the faculty.

GPSA President DaVina Hoyt reported that GPSA is in the process of selecting recipients for the TA Excellence Awards. She said that they have been busy attending several training seminars to effectively represent the graduate and professional students now and in the future. She also mentioned that they are looking forward to sponsoring their first Winter Social on December 5, 2005. She also thanked Provost Bates on his letter to the University Community regarding sexual harassment.

ASWSU President Isaac Wells also thanked Provost Bates for the letter to the community. He said that they have been busy with the CUB Renovation Projectand feels that they have truly provided the voice of the students in the project. He also mentioned that ASWSU along with Student Affairs received an award from USA Today regarding the Collegiate Readership Program. He reported that they have attended the Pullman City Council meeting to discuss issues that directly affect students within the Pullman community and will have another joint meeting with them in the spring. Lastly, he reported that they are looking forward to sending their student lobbyist to Olympia and having a successful legislative session.

WSU Foundation Board of Governors Chair Mikal Thomsen reported that the Board of Governors met in October and reaffirmed their enthusiasm to aggressively move forward to assist and advise the university and the Foundation during the planning stages of the Campaign. He added that the Board of Governors is working closely with the Foundation staff, university administrators and the campaign consultant to map their way to a successful Campaign for WSU. He also indicated that the next Board of Governors meeting is scheduled in early February in Palm Springs, CA.

5. Executive, Planning, and Budget Committee. Regent Cowles reported that the committee received a legislative update from Larry Ganders on where they are headed in regards to higher education. They reviewed the statistics on higher education and education in general and the bottom line is that Washington State is behind in how education is being funded and how many students earn degrees in the State of Washington. She added that if we’re going to be competitive nationally we must have a solid higher education system and that we won’t be able to compete globally if we cannot compete nationally. She said that higher education needs to remain as the top priority and that we need to keep talking with the politicians and make higher education the highest level on the agenda for the state. She also reported that search process is on schedule and continuing for the Chancellor for WSU Tri-Cities and hope to have someone hired by mid summer. She also reported that the Committee decided to move the Public Employment Relations Commission Notice to be read at the January meeting in Pullman. She said the Committee also went over the action items that are ready for Board approval.

The Board took action on the following:

Facilities Naming – Vancouver Student Book Store – It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to name the Vancouver Student Book Store the Firstenberg Student Commons. Carried.

Facilities Naming – New Library – It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to name the New Library the Terrell Library. Carried.

President Rawlins provided a presentation on the 2005-07 Budget Allocations. There were many positive comments made by the Regents regarding the Budget Allocations.

2005-07 Budget Allocations – It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendations (Exhibit A) for the 2005-07 budget allocations and that the Board delegate authority to the President to approve necessary minor changes or adjustments during the biennium. Carried.

6. System Report. Assistant to the President Hal Dengerink reported that implementation of the Phase II in University-wide development continues. He indicated that the work of the University Council will have more clarity and added significance once they plan for 2006 Budget Requests this spring. He also reported that the Academic System Council (which consists of the three Chancellors and Executive Vice President for the Pullman Campus) has also begun its work for Phase II. He said the main goal right now is to educate the rest of the university administrators to understand the basic principles of Phase II and their implications for continued planning of the whole university and academic planning of all colleges and campuses. Similarly the Economic Development initiative, chaired by Chancellor Pitcher continues to develop focus. He also reported on the search for the Tri-Cities Chancellor.

7. Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs Committee. Regent King reported that the committee reviewed and discussed several issues. They heard reports from Provost Bates and Fran McSweeney on how the university is handling faculty accountability, faculty reviews and post tenure review. He added that is obvious that they are working hard on all of these issues and all agree that there is still much work to be done. He added that there is no more important work than to have quality faculty and these are the tools that drive it. The committee has asked that the Regents be updated on these topics in a few months as progress is being made. Regent King also reported the committee discussed and agreed that the student conduct code be revised and come before the Board in the future for further discussion after it has been approved by all the necessary university constituents.

8. Report from the Provost and Executive Vice President. Provost Bates reported on the opportunities that have been given to them to attain quality faculty with the new budget. He indicated that with the new positions they are able to address some of the college needs. He also said that fifty-one new positions may not sound like much, but after cutting positions year after year, the additional positions confirm we are moving in a positive direction. Provost Bates also reported on the progress that is taking place with the evaluation of tenure-track faculty, post tenure review and faculty accountability.

Regent Goldmark commended Provost Bates and Fran McSweeney for their hard work on the revisions to the faculty manual. He told the Board that this effort is responsive to concerns voiced by members of the Board and shows that the administration is responsive to the Boards interests and ideas.

9. Report from the Vice President for Equity and Diversity. Vice President Tate reported on the evolving relationships among his office and the other offices on campus. He also reported that he is working closely with Provost Bates and the Center for Human Rights to ensure that the pool for the new faculty positions reported from the AFSA Committee will be a diverse pool of quality faculty. He provided an update on the WSU/NCBI relationship recently established. NCBI is an organization dedicated in helping prejudices in higher education institutions. He also reported that the third annual Future Cougars of Color (FCOC) luncheon held in Seattle raised over $100,000 a 15% increase from last year. They plan to extend FCOC across the State of Washington and Southern California. He also provided information on the various ways the Office of Equity and Diversity is communicating internally and externally on the programs and services that are offered at WSU. He also pointed out the new issue of Equity and Diversity newspaper.

Regent Cowles commended Vice President Tate and his staff on all their hard work. She indicated that it is evident how far we’ve come and that we have made great progress in the past year.

10. Business Affairs and Information Technology Committee.Regent Niva reported that the committee received an update from Mary Doyle regarding two issues in the media world regarding patents and rule changes with broadband internet providers. The committee reviewed the action items and the future action on the revised schematic design for Spokane Riverpoint Campus College of Nursing Building. She said the committee received updates on capital projects, collective bargaining, capital construction costs and on the Steam Plant Bio-diesel fuel use. She also commented on how much she has enjoyed chairing this committee and commended the professional and organized the staff.

The Board took action on the following:

WSU Pullman, USDA/Agricultural Research Service, Ground Lease. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve WSU entering into a ground lease with the United State Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, for the purpose of providing a site for the construction of a research facility on the Pullman Campus. The Regents also delegated to the President or his designee the Vice President for Business Affairs, the authority to negotiate, and execute the lease. Carried.

WSU Vancouver, Undergraduate Classroom Building. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to approve the selection of the consulting firm that will provide planning and design services, and grant authorization to proceed with Predesign and Schematic Design, provided costs are within the available funds. Carried.

WSU Tri-Cities, Bio-Sciences and Engineering Laboratory. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve WSU entering into a lease with BSEL Properties and into a service agreement with Battelle Memorial Institute for space in the Bio-Sciences Engineering Laboratory to be constructed by WSU on the WSU Tri-Cities Campus, and delegate to the President, or his designee the Vice President for Business Affairs, the authority to negotiate and execute the lease and service agreement. Carried.

Sale of the Gladys Moss Property, Honolulu, Hawaii. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, the authority to sell the Gladys Moss Property and to execute all documents necessary for the sale. Carried.

WSU Tri-Cities Consolidated Information Center, Lease Authority for Refinancing Outstanding Certificates of Participation (COPS). It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, authority to execute leases and any and all documents necessary for the State Treasurer’s Office to issue refunding Certificates of Participation (COPS) to refinance the outstanding COPs originally issued for construction of the WSU Tri-Cities Consolidated Information Center, thereby providing payment reduction to the University. The refunding COPs will be sold only if net present value savings equal to 5% of the par amount of COPs can be achieved; estimated at $335,000. Carried.

11. Report from the Vice President for Information Systems. Vice President Doyle reported that she will be providing a presentation and update on myWSU at the next Board Meeting.

12. University Development, University Relations and Athletics Committee. Regent Marr reported that the committee received updates from Len Jessup on WSU Foundation, Gift Report and a campaign overview. He added that the relationship couldn’t be as effective without the leadership of the Board of Governors. He also reported that the committee received updates on GMA Research work and Athletics.

13. Report from the Vice President for University Relations. Vice President Savage reported on the marketing plan relative to student recruitment. She added that the focus has been on recruiting diverse high ability students. They have partnered with the Provost Office and the Office of Equity and Diversity to restructure the recruitment process. She also highlighted the partnership with the WSU Foundation on the influencer messaging campaign and how the communication structure interrelates with the Strategic Plan, marketing and alignment of the institution. She reported that Alumni Association is also doing great things under the leadership of Tim Pavish and Alumni Association Board President Larry Arcia.

14. Report from the Vice President for University Development. Vice President Jessup thanked Mikal Thomsen for his leadership and for his personal generosity. He also reported on the timeline of the WSU Foundation Campaign. Currently in the preparation phase that consists of needs assessment with the College Deans. He also provided a report on the Investment Committee and on the endowment performance which has resulted in a 9% return.

15. Report from the Director of Athletics. Athletic Director Jim Sterk gave an update on Stadium Renovation project. He talked about the benefits that the renovated stadium will bring to Pullman and the WSU Athletic Program. He mentioned the importance of staying competitive with the Pac-10 schools and how it impact the Pullman community and the University overall. He also highlighted the success of the rowing and soccer teams and noted the upcoming Hardwood Classic Basketball Game in December at Key Arena in Seattle.

16. Other Business. Regent Goldmark announced his resignation to the Board to pursue other projects. He also commended President Rawlins, the administrators, the university representatives and the Regent for their dedication to the University and he will miss it very much.

Regents Cowles and Alhadeff thanked Regent Goldmark for his 10 years of service to the WSU Board of Regents and specifically for serving as Chair to the WSU Presidential Search Committee. President Rawlins also thanked Regent Goldmark for his service, integrity and commitment to the University.

17. President’s Report. President Rawlins reported on the significance of naming the Library after former WSU President Glenn Terrell. He also highlighted on the Joint Board Meeting that will be held along with numerous events surrounding the Apple Cup football game as well as looking forward to December Commencement.

At 11:40 a.m. the Regents Meeting adjourned.

Approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting held on November 18, 2005 at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Ballroom E-F, Seattle, Washington.