May 4, 2007

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 8:30 a.m., on Friday, May 4, 2007, at Lighty Student Services Building, Room 405, Pullman, Washington.

Present:  Regent Connie M. Niva, Vice Chair; Regents, Theodor P. Baseler, Harold Cochran, Elizabeth Cowles, Francois X. Forgette, Laura Jennings, Kyle Smith, V. Rafael Stone, and Michael C. Worthy; President V. Lane Rawlins, Provost and Executive Vice President Robert C. Bates, Vice President for Business Affairs Gregory P. Royer, Vice President for Information Systems Mary M. Doyle, Vice President for Development Len Jessup, Vice President for University Relations Sally P. Savage, Vice President for Equity and Diversity Michael J. Tate, Senior Assistant Attorney General Antoinette Ursich, Faculty Senate Chair Chuck Pezeshki, ASWSU President Zach Wurtz, GPSA President Jason Doss, Alumni Association President Doug Tracey, Foundation Board of Governors Chair Larry Culver, Tri-Cities Chancellor Vicky Carwein, and Vancouver Chancellor Harold A. Dengerink. 

1.            Vice Chair of the Board of Regents.  Regent Connie Niva welcomed everyone to the Board Meeting.  She indicated that there will be limited time for reports due to the fact that the Board needs to attend commencement at WSU Spokane.    Regent Niva also indicated that the Board intended to recognize former Regent Christopher J. Marr at this point in the agenda, but will rearrange the agenda until Senator Marr arrives.

                Recognition of Regent Kyle M. Smith.  Regent Niva read a resolution commending Student Regent Kyle Smith for his dedication and service to the University and the Board of Regents during his term as the ninth student regent for the 2006-07 academic year.  Carried.

                President Rawlins also thanked Kyle for his exemplary service as the Student Regent this past year and presented him with gift. 

                Regent Smith commented that it has been an amazing year.  He thanked the President’s Office Staff for their help throughout the year and presented them with a gift.

Regent Niva asked Jim Sterk to introduce Tony Bennett, Head Coach of Men’s Basketball Team.  Coach Bennett introduced his assistants Ben Johnson, Ron Sanchez, Mike Heideman, Matt Woodley, and Ronnie Wideman.  Coach Bennett thanked the Regents, President Rawlins, and Athletic Director Jim Sterk for their support.  He presented President Rawlins with a basketball signed by the team. 

Regent Niva indicated that on April 21, 2007, the Washington State Senate adopted Senate Resolution #8688 honoring the Washington State University Men’s Basketball team.  She read the resolution and asked the Board to reaffirm Resolution #8688.  Carried.   

2.            President of the University.  President Rawlins commented that this is his last Board Meeting as President of Washington State University.  He indicated that he is working closely with Dr. Elson Floyd to ensure we continue to move forward during this transitional period.  He added that he is delighted with the selection of Dr. Floyd.  He stated that it is apparent Dr. Floyd loves this institution, he is excited about the job, and is dedicated to doing it right.  President Rawlins also reported on the Legislative Session and said that in addition to the budget, the constitutional amendment passed, which will allow part of WSU’s trust land funds to be invested in equities.  

3.            Minutes.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of March 2, 2007.  Carried.

4.            Reports from University Groups:

                Faculty Senate Chair-elect Ken Struckmeyer reported for Chair Pezeshki.  He reported that on behalf of the faculty he would like to thank President Rawlins for his leadership for the past nine years.  He added that under Dr. Rawlins’ leadership, the University has seen significant increases in the quality of our students and faculty bringing the University to a level that the faculty did not believe could be achieved. 

Faculty Senate Chair Pezeshki arrived and presented President Rawlins with a gift.

Provost Bates provided comments about Faculty Senate Chair Pezeshki whose term expires August 15, 2007.  He indicated that it has been a pleasure working with Chuck who has served as Faculty Senate on two occasions and during that time he has shown commitment and courage.   He said that shared governance is a key concept at WSU and it can only work if the administration and the faculty share that concept.  He added that Chuck represents that value and a sense of shared governance by putting in the hard work required for it to work.  He also said that over the years Chuck has been passionate about his commitment to many projects such as daycare, improving faculty salaries, improving education for our students, and solving individual problems for our faculty members.  He thanked Chuck for his service.

                GPSA President Jason Doss thanked the Board of Regents for their continued support of graduate and professional students.  He reported that the annual GPSA Awards luncheon was a success honoring GPSA Staff, TA excellence award winners, RA excellence award winners, advisors, Wiley Research Exposition winners and Senator of the year.  He also introduced the new incoming President and Vice President for GPSA Manpreet Chahal and Rose Phal. 

Interim Vice President Al Jamison provided comments about GPSA President Doss.  He commended Jason and GPSA Vice President Erica Miller for the great team they made.  He said that during their tenure as GPSA President and Vice President they have done considerable work advancing GPSA.  He added that they redesigned the strategic plan, and filled all the senator and executive positions for the first time in many years. They also resurrected the Wiley Research Exposition and increased graduate attendance at WSU athletic events. He also reported that while Jason was busy being the GPSA President and full-time pharmacy student, he won the National Community Pharmacist Association business plan contest and he also sits on the NCPA Board. 

ASWSU President Zach Wurtz reported on the success of Cougar Pride Days and Springfest.  He introduced the ASWSU leadership team and thanked them for their commitment and leadership during his term as president.  He also thanked Chair Niva for her leadership and guidance during his term as President and also while he served on the Presidential search.  He commented that student leadership is not just sitting in an office, but it is also about leading by example.  Zach he pledged $1,000 to WSU, becoming a member of the President’s Associates and stated that he hopes that future ASWSU leadership will follow.  He thanked everyone for a great year. 

Chair Niva commented how much she enjoyed working with Zach this past year during the Presidential Search and also during the NCAA Games and commented how much she will miss him.

Alumni Association President Doug Tracey reported that the WSUAA continues to lead the PAC-10 and WSU peer institutions in membership growth.  He added that the retention rate for annual members is at an all-time high of 94%.  He reported that WSUAA continues to expand efforts to engage more alumni in support of the University by partnering with many upcoming student events and other university-sponsored events.  He added that WSUAA Alumni Network hosted Higher Education Day and WSU Day at the Capital which provided important opportunities for state legislators and key alumni to exchange information about WSU’s priorities for the 2007 legislative session.  He thanked Alumni Association Director Tim Pavish and his staff for their outstanding work and commented how much he enjoyed being the President of the Alumni Association this past year.  He also presented President Rawlins with a plaque thanking him for his contributions to the Alumni Association. 

Vice President Savage commented that the successes of the Alumni Association are results of good volunteers such as Doug.   She added that we have heard many times that the WSU Alumni Association is the fastest growing alumni in the PAC-10, but beyond that it is not just a matter of membership, it is also a matter of active engagement membership where people like Zach and Doug can give back to their institution.  She thanked Doug for serving as the WSU Alumni Association President this past year.

WSU Foundation Board of Governors’ Chair Larry Culver reported that the numbers for the Foundation are extraordinary.  He highlighted that the goal of $75 million is currently at $60 million.  He said that they are on target to reach the $75 million goal and are substantially ahead from last year.  He said that they have had several large pledges and expect several more to be coming in.  He reported that staffing for the Foundation continues to grow to accommodate the campaign.  He said that endowment has now reached over $300 million up roughly $50 million this year—thanks to a very good Investment Committee and with some help from the stock market.   He added that one of the key statistics he looks at on the progress report is the number of contacts made and number of proposals.  This year the staff has made over 7,300 contacts which is 200 over from last year along with 500 proposals compared to 207 last year.  He also reminded everyone of the upcoming Trustees Meeting at Skamania later in May. 

Regent Niva presented gifts from the Board of Regents to Chuck Pezeshki, Faculty Senate Chair; Jason Doss, GPSA President; Zach Wurtz, GPSA President; and to Doug Tracey, Alumni Association President commending them for their service to the University.

Senator Marr arrived.

Recognition of former Regent Christopher J. Marr.  Regent Niva read a resolution commending Chris Marr for his dedication and service to the University and the Board of Regents since 2003.  Carried.

5.            Executive, Planning, and Budget Committee.  Before Regent Niva reported on the Executive, Planning and Budget Committee, she moved the Facilities Names Recommendation of Wilson Hall and the Plant Biological Sciences Facility to take place before she provided her report. 

There was a short presentation honoring Dr. Jim Short before the Board approved the recommendation to rename Wilson Hall to Wilson-Short Hall.

Facilities Names Recommendation – Wilson Hall.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to name Wilson Hall to Wilson-Short Hall.  Carried.

Facilities Names Recommendation – Plant Biological Sciences Facility.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to name the Plant BioScience Facility I to the Orville A. Vogel Plant Biosciences Building.  Carried.

Regent Niva continued the Executive, Planning, and Budget Committee report.  She indicated that the Committee received a report on the 2007-2009 Biennial Budget and asked Dr. Rawlins give a full presentation to the Board.  She also reported that the Regents had a discussion regarding tuition increases.  She indicated that the Regents wanted the students and parents to understand that they did not have a choice about raising tuition and that a tuition increase was assumed in the budget.  She said it is important to the Regents that the students and parents also know what they were getting for their money and that a tuition increase is an attempt to maintain quality at the university.  Regent Niva also reported that the committee received updates on the emeritus society, and also discussed the presidential transition process. 

The Board took Action on the Following: 

2007-2008 and 2008-009 Tuition Rates.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents set tuition for the academic year 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 according to the schedule set forth in Exhibit A.  Carried.

2007-2008 S&A Fee Rates.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents set the Services and Activities Fees for the academic year 2007-2008 at $478 for all full time students, subject to the governor signing into law Substitute House Bill 1128.  Carried.

2007-2008 Student Recreation Center Fee Rates.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve an increase of 6.67% to the academic Student Recreation Center fee or an amount equal to the percentage change in resident undergraduate tuition, whichever is less, effective Fall 2007.  Carried.

                Election of Officers.  It was moved and seconded that by the Board of Regents that Regent Constance M. Niva be elected to serve as Chair of the Board of Regents for the year beginning May 15, 2007, and that Regent Francois X. Forgette be elected to serve as Vice Chair of the Board of Regents for the year beginning May 15, 2007, with the understanding that he shall act as Chair pro tempore in the absence of the Chair, with the power to preside at the meetings and to sign all documents required to be executed by the Board of Regents.  Carried.

Before the Board took action on the Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award, Regent Niva asked Greg Kessler, Director of the School of Architecture and Construction Management to say a few comments about the recipients David Miller and Robert Hull.

Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to designate David Miller and Robert Hull as joint recipients to receive the 2007 Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award.  Carried.

Delegation of Authority.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve Resolution #070504-317 delegating authority to Dr. Elson S. Floyd, or his designees, to act in matters relating to the general business and financial affairs, academic affairs, organization, and management of Washington State University effective May 21, 2007 (Exhibit B).  

Regent Stone commented that this delegation reflects the smooth transition that has taken place over the past several months between Dr. Rawlins and Dr. Floyd.


6.            Regional Campus and System Reports:

WSU Tri-Cities.  Chancellor Vicky Carwein reported that WSU Tri-Cities has been working very hard to prepare for the freshman and the expansion to a four-year institution.   She said that enrollment in both Freshman and Transfer students is higher than they ever anticipated and are committed to admit every qualified student who wants to come to WSU Tri-Cities.  She also said that due to the overwhelming support from area businesses and local leaders, they have increased their freshman scholarship fundraising goal to $450,000 and that the original goal of $300,000 was met in a matter of months.  She added that even though most of their efforts have been focused mainly on the freshman this year, they continue to maintain their partnership with their most significant community partner with Columbia Basin College.  She also indicated that they are looking into developing integrated curricula with Walla Walla Community College and Yakima Valley Community who want to have agreements with WSU Tri-Cities.  She said now that WSU Tri-Cities is the only public four-year institution in southeastern Washington they are looking into ways to market and collaborate with areas that are farther away.  She said that over the summer, they plan on planting a half-acre vineyard which will provide hands-on experience for students in the Viticulture and Enology program.  Chancellor Carwein also reported that commencement will be held on the Tri-Cities campus next week and that Governor Gregoire will be the commencement speaker.

WSU Vancouver.  Chancellor Hal Dengerink reported on the annual public affairs distinguished lectures that featured two high profile speakers who focused on human rights issues.  He also reported that WSU Vancouver held its annual Research Showcase and featured a wide variety of original scholarship, research, and artistic illustration.  He indicated that they are working on curriculum development to address the needs of their sophomore students who will be continuing from the first year.  He reported that freshman applications are up 20% from last year and transfer applications are up 10% from last year.    He said that WSU Vancouver will graduate over 700 students at their upcoming commencement ceremony and that President Rawlins will provide the commencement address.  Chancellor Dengerink reported that this year’s class marks the largest number of graduates for the WSU Vancouver campus.

System Report. Chancellor Dengerink reported that the development of the WSU multi-campus university continues to evolve.  He said that integration across the campuses is most reflected across a range of activities in the area Academic Affairs. He said that it is in Academic Affairs where they have most thoroughly woven the various campuses together in planning and activities.  He said that the effort continues and will continue to require monitoring. 

7.            Academic Affairs and Equity and Diversity Committee.  Regent Niva reported that the committee had discussion on recruitment and retention of faculty.  She also reported on each of the action items before Board approval.    

The Board took action on the following:

Establish a Ph.D. in Nursing.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the establishment of a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, effective Fall 2007.  Carried. 

Establish and Accelerated MBA Option.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the establishment of an Accelerated MBA Option, effective Fall 2007.  Carried.

Faculty Manual Changes.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve changes in the Faculty Manual as outlined in Exhibit C, effective immediately. Carried.

8.            Report from the Provost and Executive Vice President.  Provost and Executive Vice President Robert C. Bates provided a report on enrollment applications and financial aid. Overall, undergraduate applications were up 1,300 more than last year, and graduate applications were up over 400 from last year.  He added that the application profiles are strong and that they expect to meet the target of 3,000 freshman and maintain SAT Scores of 1100 or higher.  He also reported that they are currently working on an interaction system with high schools to help them better prepare students for college.  He also reported that this fall they will implement the College Net Application Process which will provide all the necessary documents for students to use in applying to more than one institution.  

9.            Report from the Vice President for Equity and Diversity.  Vice President Tate reported on the various graduation ceremonies taking place on campus over the next few days.  He also reported on success of the Future Cougars of Color dinner held at Northern Quest Casino, which generated close to $200,000. He noted that these funds will support scholarships for underrepresented groups and provide assistance in retention programs.  He added that the Kalispell Tribe covered the cost of the event and has agreed to host another next year.  Vice President Tate provided an update on the Presidential Debate and also highlighted upcoming events.

10.          Business Affairs and Information Technology Committee. Regent Jennings reported that the Committee had a full agenda and received reports on the Administrative Systems Replacement, the Knott Dairy Center Expansion, Energy Services Performance Contracting, and reports on Capital Projects.  Regent Jennings went over each of the action items before Board approval.  

The Board took action on the following:

WSU Pullman, Consolidated Storage.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the construction project of the Consolidated Storage Building, grant authorization to proceed, and delegate authority to the President, or his designee, to advertise for bids and award a construction contract, provided costs are within funds available.  Carried.

WSU Pullman, Wilson Hall, Restore Exterior Cornice.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the construction project to restore the exterior cornice of Wilson Hall and grant authorization to proceed, delegate authority to the President, or his designee, to advertise for bids and to award a construction contract provided costs are within funds available.   Carried.

WSU Pullman, Johnson Tower, Replace Windows and Add Air Conditioning.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the construction project to replace windows and add air conditioning to Johnson Tower, grant authorization to proceed, and delegate authority to the President, or his designee, to advertise for bids and award a construction contract provided costs are within funds available.  Carried.

11.          Report from the Vice President for Information Systems.  Vice President Doyle reported that they have been busy working on the replacing of administrative systems.  She expects this to be an ongoing project and will provide more detail to Board later in the year.

Regent Niva asked Rich Heath, Sr. Associate Vice President for Business and Finance, to discuss emergency management issues due to the recent events that took place at Virginia Tech.  Mr. Heath reported that WSU has been in the formal planning stages and has been putting together emergency plans for the last five years.   He said that emergency plans have been set at the university level, at the college level, unit level and on all campuses.  The plan focuses on how to respond to an emergency should one happen, and they are now are working on how to operate during an emergency and how to recover from an emergency.  He said that exercises have taken place, and as a result of that, we have discovered that there is a need for sirens and public address systems which we are now seeking. 

12.          University Development, University Relations and Athletics Committee.  Regent Forgette referred to Vice President Savage to provide comments regarding University Relations; to Vice President Jessup for University Development; and Jim Sterk to give an update in WSU Athletics. 

13.          Report from the Vice President for University Relations.  Vice President Savage reported that she will be providing a follow-up situational analysis to Dr. Floyd later this summer.  The situational analysis was first presented to President Rawlins when WSU embarked on the Integrated Marking Initiative and it included an environmental assessment in communication.  She said that President Rawlins asked that the situational analysis be presented again at the appropriate time to track our progress made from the first analysis.  Vice President Savage also reported that they have been busy coordinating the many activities for Dr. Floyd and Dr. Rawlins that are instrumental in the transition.

14.          Report from the Vice President for University Development.  Vice President Jessup introduced his new Senior Vice President of the WSU Foundation, Brenda Wilson-Hale.   He also thanked Larry Culver for his many gifts he has given to WSU in time, talent and treasure.  Lastly, he thanked President Rawlins for the time he has spent with top donors and with the Board of Governors. He said that the gift level has increased because of the time he has spent with this group.

15.          Report from the Director of Athletics.  Athletic Director Jim Sterk provided an update on the spring sporting activities.  He added that they are about to begin their Statewide Coaches Tour, a fundraising golf tour of 14 stops around the state and which is one of the major highlights for the year.  He said that they have collected over $11 million in pledges for Phase III of the Martin Stadium Project.  He reported the Athletic Foundation Advisory Committee met a goal of raising $10 Million by 2010 three years early.  Lastly he thanked the students for the spirit that they created around all the sporting events this year.

Faculty Senate Chair-Elect Ken Struckmeyer commended Jim Sterk and the coaches for the high academic standards that they have set for their athletes.  WSU Athletics academic success is high in the Pac 10.  He added that it makes the faculty proud to have such a high graduation rate of our athletes.

16.          Student Affairs Committee.  Regent Stone reported that the committee received reports on the College Assistance Migrant Program that provides financial assistance, tutoring, counseling, and study sessions for eligible students from migrant or seasonal backgrounds.  Regent Stone also reported that the committee received a multicultural student graduation update.  He asked Interim Vice President Jamison to discuss the action items before Board approval.   

The Board took action on the following:

S&A Fee Allocations.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the allocation of Services and Activities Fee for Summer 2007 and Academic Year 2007-2008 from the Services and Activities Fees Committees and the Services and Activities Facilities Committees representing the Washington State University System.  Carried.

Student Conduct Code Revision: Academic Integrity Policy.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the revised Standards of Conduct for Students outlined in Exhibit D.  Carried.

17.          Report from the Interim Vice President for Student Affairs.  Interim Vice President Al Jamison reported on the launching of the Freshman “Common Reading” Program.  He said this program is another strategy in the area of retention by preparing students to understand the shift from K-12 into the intellectual life of academia.  The book chosen for this first group of 3,000 incoming freshman will be The Flu:  The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus that Caused It.  The Author, Gina Kolata, will also visit campus November 6.  He added that The Common Reading Program is designed to encourage students and faculty to talk in small, informal groups; communicate academic expectations; introduce first-year students to the intellectual life of the university; and to expose students to the value of research and to the power of ideas.  He also said that The Common Reading experience will also create common ground among students in their freshman year.

18.          Other Business

Request for Defense of University Employee.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the requests for defense by WSU Dean of the Graduate School Howard Grimes, Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Paul Whitney, Assistant Professor Psychology Jeffrey Joireman, and Associate Professor of Psychology Craig Parks in the case brought against them by Cheryl Becker in Kittitas County Superior Court.  Carried.

Approve Settlement Agreement.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the Settlement Agreement between Washington State University and Bernardo Gallegos.  Carried.

The meeting of the Board of Regents was recessed, and the meeting of the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation was declared open.

19.          Meeting of Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation, Confirmation of Directors.  It was moved and seconded that the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation elect the following individuals to serve on the Board of Directors: 

One-year term to expire in May 2008:

                Jennifer Barner, Undergraduate Director

                Diana Krauser, Undergraduate Director

                Fariss-Terry Mousa, Alternate Graduate Director

                Emily Schneider, Alternate Undergraduate Director

                Tyson O’Donnell, Alternate Undergraduate Director

Two-year term to expire May 2009:

                Adele Durfey, Undergraduate Director

                Julian Reyes, Undergraduate Director

                Susan Gill, Faculty Director

                Vicky Murray, Administrative Director

                Barry Johnston, Administrative Director                            


The meeting of the Shareholders of the Students book Corporation was declared closed and the meeting of the Board of Regents was reconvened.

20.          Recognition of President Rawlins.   Regent Niva read a resolution commending President V. Lane Rawlins for his dedicated service and contributions to Washington State University for the past seven years (Exhibit E).  Carried.

President Rawlins thanked the Board.  He said that our relationship to the undergraduate students is still the “main thing”.  He said it is the main thing, because in spite of all the other things, those 3,000 new freshman we will take next year do not know what they are getting into, yet they have entrusted this institution with one of the most important phases of their life.    He said a good friend of his asked “what should our mission be” and he answered “if you can’t tell me how or what you’re doing makes research and undergraduate education better, than don’t do it”.  He said we need to be able to draw the lines all the time.  He said it has been a privilege to be at WSU over the last seven years, that it has been almost no time at all, and that most of the work we are doing has only started, and we owe all of it to the great team in this room.  Dr. Rawlins provided a quote by Reinhold Niebuhr and said his tenure had been a labor of love.  Lastly, he stated that the Regents had hired a good man who give all he’s got.  He congratulated the Regents on doing the most important thing they do and that is to make sure WSU has a president at the helm that we can look up to and be proud of. 

Student Regent Kyle Smith presented Dr. Rawlins with a wall panel containing a Cougar head, which was saved during the recent renovation project of the Compton Union Building, as a token of thanks from the students.

21.         Adjourn.  At 11:45 am the Regents’ Meeting adjourned.

Approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting held September 7, 2007, Great Room I, Hotel 1000, Seattle, Washington.