May 2, 2008

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 9:00 a.m., on Friday, May 2, 2008, at Lewis Alumni Centre, Regents Room, Pullman, Washington.  

Present:  Regent Connie Niva, Chair; Regents Kenneth Alhadeff, Harold Cochran,  Francois Forgette, William Gordon, and Michael Worthy; President Elson S. Floyd, and Executive Assistant to the Board of Regents Christine Hoyt.

1. Report from the Chair of the Board of Regents. Regent Niva welcomed everyone to the meeting.  She reported that this is her final meeting as Chair of the Board and said what an exciting year it has been watching Dr. Floyd march across the State as well as all the excellent news that Washington State University is generating relative to excellence in our students, faculty and research.  She also asked Jim Sterk to introduce Track and Field Coach Rick Sloan, student athlete Ebba Jungmark, who won the NCAA Division I national championship in the women’s high jump, and  Men’s Basketball Coach Tony Bennett along with student athlete Robbie Cowgill.

Recognition of Provost and Academic Vice President Vice President Robert C. Bates.  Regent Niva read a resolution commending Provost and Academic Vice President Robert Bates for his dedicated service and contribution to Washington State University for the past six years.  Carried.

 Recognition of Regent William J. Gordon.  Regent Niva read a resolution commending Student Regent William Gordon for his dedication and service to the University and the Board of Regents during his term as the tenth student regent for the 2007-2008 academic year.  Carried.

2. Report from the President of the University.  President Elson S. Floyd reported that the academic priorities are currently in place and that WSU will continue to focus on agriculture, global animal health and the Murrow College.  He added that the very strong tradition of excellence at WSU will be continued and that the foundation that has been laid by generations will continue to benefit now and in the future.  He said that we do have some challenges ahead relative to faculty compensation and that there is a proposal in which the Board will have its first reading of at the September meeting. He said this proposal would dramatically change the way that faculty salaries are distributed within the university. He said that it is one of those issues that we need to address, and that we know that our compensation for faculty generally within the university is inadequate when compared to other comparable and peer institutions.  He indicated that we will continue with the implementation of A2P2, the academic priority process will be also be an issue as we go forward into the Fall Semester. He said that WSU is an incredibly strong institution and we are making the right decisions to be positioned as one of the leading land-grant research universities in the nation. He added that there is a very strong and rich tradition of being a Cougar and we will continue to exercise uncompromised stewardship over that obligation and responsibility. He said that he will continue to consult with the students in an active and informed way and clearly they are the center of what we do as an institution.  He also said that he will continue to utilize the President’s Student Advisory Group as an important part of where we get our advice and counsel and to frame the issues of importance to improve the quality of life for all of them.   He will continue to refine the university district concept on the southern part of college hill and believes it is important to make sure that we recognize the students that live there as full and a complete part of the university. He also reported that from the staff perspective we must develop a compensation plan for our employees and indicated that conversations will be taking place in that regard.  He said that the legislative process is an important process and that he and Larry Ganders will do all that they possibly can to represent the University’s interests appropriately.  He reported that we are on the path of a very successful major capital campaign and it is through the leadership of Larry Culver, Brenda Wilson-Hale and others that are making a huge difference.  He indicated that the legislature will do all it can to provide basic funding but if we are to achieve a margin of excellence and quality within our university it is going to require private gifting and private philanthropy.   Lastly, he reported that WSU will continue to build on a very solid tradition of excellence and make our university into one of the leading land-grant research universities.  He congratulated the officers who are leaving leadership roles and told them how much he enjoyed working with them in his first year as President of WSU, and that he looks forward to working with the new officers.  He said that this is a time of renewal and transition as we end this academic year and that he is humbled to be here and he looks forward to working to many more remarkable years. 

3. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of March 21, 2008.  Carried.

4. Reports from University Groups.  Regent Niva commented that this is the last meeting for Ken Struckmeyer, Manpreet Chahal, Kasey Webster, and Al Powell.  She thanked them for their service and said that she has enjoyed working with them this past year. 

Faculty Senate Chair Ken Struckmeyer reported that the Faculty Senate has had a very good year.  He introduced Bill Cofer, who will serve as Chair of the Faculty Senate during the next academic year.  He thanked Barry Swanson, Executive Secretary of Faculty Senate, President Floyd, Provost Bates, Billy Gordon, Manpreet Chahal and Kasey Webster for their leadership over the past year.  He reported that the major focus of the senate this year was the approval of a change to the faculty manual regarding the awards of salary increases.  He said that there was very strong opposition from various departments and very strong support from various departments. He said that he anticipates much discussion on this issue at the September Board Meeting. 

 Administrative Professional Advisory Council (APAC) Chair Francis Benjamin reported that it has been a good year for APAC.  He said that APAC appreciates the office space provided to them and that the physical presence has had a positive impact on improving communication among all.  He thanked President Floyd and the administration for their support.  He reported that the APAC instituted the Administrative Professional Contribution Award to recognize the contributions of AP’s to WSU.  He said that President Floyd has spoken to most of the items he had to address and said that he appreciates the fact the he listens when people talk, that he works to bring improvements to WSU, that he continues to work with compensation and classification plans, and is working to get one in place so that we can have a plan as WSU moves forward with the issues of compression and inversion.  Lastly, he reported how grateful he is for the support that the Regents have given to administrative professionals this past year.  

 Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) President Manpreet Chahal thanked the Board of Regents, President Floyd and Howard Grimes for their continued support.  He introduced incoming President Jessica Moore, and incoming Vice President Kayla Simons.  He reported on the events that GPSA held since the last meeting and thanked the Alumni Association for their collaboration.  He reported on the GPSA Awards luncheon honoring students that received GPSA TA/RA/GA and Advisor Excellence Awards and winners from the Wiley Research Exposition.  Lastly, he reported that approximately 30 students attended a Union Debate discussing the pros and cons of organizing a union.  He said that students that wish to withdraw their union support cards were given information on how to do that. 

Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU) President Kasey Webster thanked the Board of Regents and President Floyd for a tremendous year.  He reported that the student regent nominations have been sent to the Governor’s Office and that they had eleven outstanding candidates.  He thanked Billy Gordon for his hard work in advertising for the position and indicated without Billy’s contributions, they would not have had the caliber of students that they received.  Lastly, he introduced incoming President Brandon Scheller and incoming Vice President Adam Fry-Pierce.  

Alumni Association (WSUAA) President Al Powell welcomed the Regents back to the Alumni Centre.  He said that the Alumni Centre continues to be a vibrant and significant part of the WSU Community and that over 126 events has been held in the Centre since the March 21 Board Meeting.  He also reported that Life Membership revenue for the fiscal year 2007-2008 is on target to surpass the $300,000 mark—the highest level ever—and will represent an increase of 258% over FY 2004-2005. He also reported that the Alumni Association continues to expand the number of networking and outreach events across the nation and world.  Lastly, he reported that May 2008 marked the second anniversary of Wine By Cougars.  He said that they have nearly doubled their two-year membership goal and that the release of their spring Artist Expression 2008, sold out in record time, which was adorned with the artwork of a member of WSU’s 2008 graduation class.

WSU Foundation Board of Governors’ (WSUFBOG) Chair Larry Culver reported that the WSU Foundation is experiencing tremendous strides in reaching their goal in private gifts, grants, pledges, and revocable gifts for fiscal year 2008.  He said that with Brenda Wilson-Hales experience, they have raised the bar and have met the goal of $100 million for fiscal year 07/08, $32 million ahead of the same period in 2007.  He reported on the successful trip that President Floyd and Brenda Wilson-Hale made to Japan and thanked them for working out a plan that will allow incentives for our international friends in giving to the WSU Foundation.   He also reported that survey results from the Board of Trustees indicated that Trustee members want to be more engaged and involved with decisions.  He said that they are working on ways for members of the Board of Trustees to be more involved.  Lastly, he reported on the upcoming spring meeting that will be held in Walla Walla.

7. Executive Committee. Regent Niva reported that the committee discussed the election of officers of the Board of Regents for the next year and Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award.  She also said that the committee discussed changes that need to be made to the Board of Regents Bylaws and also discussed the 2009 Board Meeting schedule to ensure that they meet on every campus location.   

The Board took action on the following:

Election of Officers.  It was moved and seconded by the Board of Regents that Regents Francois X. Forgette be elected to served as the next Chair of the WSU Board of Regents for the year beginning May 16, 2008 and that Michael C. Worthy be elected to serve as Vice Chair of the WSU Board of Regents for the year beginning May 16, 2008, with the understanding that he shall act as Chair pro tempore in the absence of the Chair, with the power to preside at the meetings and to sign all instruments required to be executive by the WSU Board of Regents.  Carried. 

Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents designate Dr. Roger O. McClellan to receive the 2008 Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award.  Carried.

8. Finance and Audit Committee.  Regent Michael Worthy reported that the committee heard from representatives from the State Auditor’s Office who are staging for compliance with a statewide initiative for a performance audit of Washington State University.  He also said that they discussed the action items that are being brought before the Board. He also reported that the committee received reports on the 2009 operating budget allocations, status of capital projects, and a capital construction report. 

The Board took action on the following:

WSU Vancouver, Applied Technology Classroom Building and Washington Technology center Semiconductor Component Testing Facility, General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) Selection. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President or his designee to issue Final Determination (public notification and review) to utilize the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) process pursuant to RCW 39.10.030; and subject to issuance of the Final Determination and funding, select a GC/CM, and award contract(s), provided a Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC) can be established within the funds available.  Carried.

WSU Pullman, Olympia Avenue Student Housing Revenue Bond Resolution. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve a Revenue Bond Series Resolution and Master Bond Resolution to authorize the issuance and sale of bonds to pay for construction of the Olympia Avenue Student Housing project and related costs.  The Series Resolution authorized the issuance of bonds in an amount not to exceed $29,100,000, with a true interest cost (TIC) not to exceed 6.0%; and delegate authority to the President or his designee to sell bonds, including determining the final bond size, maturity schedule, redemption provisions, and timing, and entering into a bond purchase contract with the underwriter.  Carried.

Pre-Disaster, All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, 2008.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve and adopt the Washington State University PreDisaster All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, 2008, as shown in Exhibit A.  Carried.

WSU Spokane Riverpoint Campus, Pine Street Development, Ground Lease.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President or his designee to approve a Letter of Intent and to negotiate and execute one or more phased, land lease agreements between the University and the Developer(s) for the purpose of planning and development of surplus properties on the WSU Spokane Riverpoint Campus.  Carried.

9. Academic and Student Affairs Committee.  Regent Francois Forgette asked Provost Bates and Vice President Tate to give a brief overview of each action item before Board approval.  He reported that the Distance Degree Program added a Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies.  He also reported that the committee received updates on the Strategic Plan Draft, Program Prioritization, and an update on enrollment.  

The Board took action on the following:

Faculty Manual – Revision to Disciplinary Procedures.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve revisions to the Faculty Manual, Section II. Disciplinary Procedures, shown in Exhibit B.  Carried.

Establish a Bi-State School of Food Science.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the establishment of the Bi-State School of Food Science, effective Fall, 2008.  Carried.

Establishment of BS in Electrical Engineering at WSU Vancouver.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the establishment of the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at WSU Vancouver, effective Fall, 2008.  Carried.

Services & Activities Fee Allocation for Summer 2008 and Academic Year 20082009.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the allocation of Services & Activities Fees for Summer 2008 and Academic Year 2008-2009 from the Services & Activities Fees Committees and the Services & Activities Facilities Committees representing the Washington State University system. Carried.

Academic Year 2008-2009 Services & Activities Fees.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents set the Services and Activities Fees (S&A) for the academic year 2008-2009 at $502.00 for all full-time students.  Carried.

Student Recreation Center (SRC) Fee Increase for Academic Year 2008-2009 and Summer 2009.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the 6.64% increase to the academic SRC fees.  Carried.

 WSU Spokane Health and Wellness 2008-2009 Academic Year Fee Increase.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve a $3.60 increase (5%) to the WSU Spokane 2008-2009 Academic Year Mandatory Health Fee, beginning Fall, 2008, from $72.00 to $75.60, with subsequent year increases linked to the rate of Health Care Inflation.  Carried.

10. External Affairs and Athletics Committee.   Regent Alhadeff reported that  the committee received an update from the Athletic Director Jim Sterk and the they once again reviewed the actions being brought before the Board. 

The Board took action on the following:

2009-2011 Operating Budget Request.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendations for the 2009-2011 Biennial Operating Budget Request (Exhibit C) and that the Board delegate authority to the President to approve minor changes or adjustments that may need to be made before the submission is finalized for presentation to the Office of Financial Management. Carried.

2009-2011 Capital Budget Request.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommendations for the 2009-2011 Biennial Capital Budget Request (Exhibit D) and that the Board delegate authority to the President to approve minor changes or adjustments that may need to be made before the submission is finalized for presentation to the Office of Financial Management.  Carried.

11. Other Business.  Regent Niva asked President Floyd to speak on the State Performance Agreement before Board approval.  

President Floyd indicated that Governor Gregoire recently signed Engrossed House Bill 2641, a six-year pilot program to develop performance agreements between universities.  He said that under this law, governing boards of each of the public, fouryear institutions must designate institutional representatives, including two faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate and two students designated by student government. He said that the selected institutional representatives will be required to work with the State Performance Agreement Committee prior to September 1, 2008, and since it will take some time to select the representatives, he is asking the Board to delegate authority to him to appoint institutional representatives.  This will also provide flexibility to appoint/add members should the need arise.

The Board took action on the following:

State Performance Agreements, Delegation of Authority to Appoint Institutional Representatives.  It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President to appoint institutional representatives to work with the State Performance Agreement Committee.  Carried.

The meeting of the Board of the Board of Regents was recessed, and the meeting of the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation was declared open.

12. Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation, Confirmation of Board of Directors.  It was moved and seconded that the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation elect the following individuals to serve on the Board of Directors:

One-year term to expire in May 2009:

                Corey Boon, Undergraduate Student Director

                Brady Prim, Undergraduate Student Director

Zane Murfitt, Alternate Undergraduate Student Director

Theresa Jeans, Alternate Undergraduate Student Director

Two-year term to expire in May 2010:

                Tyson O’Donnell, Undergraduate Student Director

                Guleed Yusef, Undergraduate Student Director

              Karen Leonas, Faculty Director

                Tim Graciano, Graduate Student Director


The meeting of the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation was declared closed and the meeting of the Board of Regents was reconvened.

13.             Adjournment.  The Board of Regents meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.

Approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting held August 29, 2008, Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Aspen Conference Room, Seattle, Washington.


Chair, Board of Regents

_______________________________________ Secretary, Board of Regents