July 30, 1993

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met, pursuant to call, in Open Meeting, via teleconference, on Friday, July 30, 1993, at 9:05 a.m.

Participating via teleconference were Regents William R. Wiley, President; Richard R. Albrecht, Phyllis J. Campbell, R. M. “Mac” Crow, Richard A. Davis, Scott B. Lukins, Louis H. Pepper, and Kate B. Webster.

Present in the Regents’ Room, French Administration Building 418, Pullman were: President Samuel H. Smith, Provost Thomas F. George, Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie A. Giffen, Vice President for University Affairs Stanton E. Schmid, Executive Assistant for Administration and Counsel Sally P. Savage, Senior Assistant Attorney General Paul Tanaka, Staff Senate President Tori Byington, and ASWSU President Heather Metcalf.

1. Opening. President Smith opened the meeting and thanked all for participating in the Regents’ meeting via conference call. He mentioned that this was the first such type of meeting and that it was a useful way to conduct a considerable amount of business while at the same time remaining efficient in terms of time and money.

President Smith outlined the meeting agenda and turned the meeting over to Regent William Wiley. Regent Wiley provided brief opening comments and introduced Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen to present the items under Business Affairs.

2. Completion of Contracts over $2,500. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reviewed the history of the Carpenter Hall project including the various difficulties encountered during construction, the dispute with Bouten Construction as to the total construction costs, and the resolution that was reached with Bouten in April 1993 for $1.1 million. Vice President Giffen stated that the building project is complete and ready for the Regents’ approval.

It was moved by Regent Albrecht and seconded by Regents Richards Davis that the Board of Regents approve, for purposes of RCW Chapter 60.28 and 39.08, the satisfactory completion of contract with Bouten Construction Company, Spokane, for the Carpenter Hall Renewal, in the final amount of $8,647,536, including sales tax, to be paid from the State Building Construction Account, the WSU Building Construction Account, Higher Education Construction Account and Local Funds. Carried.

Vice President Giffen also presented the completion of contract for the WSU Tri-Cities East Building Remodel. It was moved by Regent Kate Webster and seconded by Regent Mac Crow that the Board of Regents approve, for purposes of RCW Chapter 60.28 and 39.08, the satisfactory completion of contract with Gilbert Moen-Garza-Lehman, Joint Venture of Yakima, for the WSU Tri-Cities East Building Remodel, Package #1–Food and Environmental Quality Laboratory in the final amount of $459,182, including sales tax, to be paid from Tri-Cities Minor Capital Improvement funds (WSU Tri-Cities Building Account), Radio-TV funds and Agriculture/Home Economics funds. Carried.

July 30, 1993

3. Records, Maintenance Materials Storage, and Recycling Building, Phase I. Vice President for Business Affairs Giffen provided background information for this action stating that the members of the Board of Regents approved the schematic plans and delegated authority to proceed with design development and construction documents for this project at the January 22, 1993, meeting. She said the location is on Grimes Way and that the construction will involve 20,000 gross square feet.

It was moved by Regent Richard Albrecht and seconded by Regent Phyllis Campbell that the Board of Regents delegated authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to approve contract documents, advertise for bids, and award a construction contract if a budget can be established with the funds available for the Records, Maintenance Materials Storage, and Recycling Building, Phase I. Carried.

4. Services and Activities Fee, Academic Year 1993-94. ASWSU President Heather Metcalf provided background relative to the distribution of the S & A fee for the 1993-94 academic year. She said that the legislature placed a 3 percent cap on the S & A fee percentage in relation to tuition which trimmed the S & A fee allocation from $123.18 to $121.50 per student.

It was moved and by Regent Mac Crow and seconded by Regent Kate Webster that the Board of Regents approve, effective August 15, 1993, the proposed distribution of the Services and Activities Fee for fiscal year 93/94 as presented in Exhibit A. Carried.

5. Closing Remarks. President Smith provided comments relative to the WSU Foundation’s fundraising successes during fiscal year 92/93. He said that the primary beneficiaries of the efforts by the Foundation were undergraduate scholarships and academic programs. He said that there was a record $45 million contributed in gifts, grants, and pledges and that this is a 36.5 percent increase over last year’s record $33 million. He also stated that the number of donors increased from 6,500 in 1979 to nearly 55,000 this year; that the percentage of alumni who contribute averages approximately 32 percent, as compared with a national average of 18 percent for four-year public institutions; and that WSU’s endowment performance ranks among the top 2 percent of college and university investment endowment funds in the nation. President Smith said the University is grateful for the efforts of the WSU Foundation and the support of its alumni, friends, corporations and foundations.

President Smith congratulated Vice President for University Affairs Stan Schmid and President of the WSU Foundation Connie Kravas for their hard work and dedication.

President William Wiley opened the meeting to discussion of items that any of the Board members might like to bring forth. No discussion ensued, and Regent Wiley thanked all for participating and adjourned the meeting at 9:22 a.m.