January 21, 1994

The Board of Regents at Washington State University met, pursuant to call, in Open Meeting at 9:06 a.m. on Friday, January 21, 1994, in the Lewis Alumni Centre. Regents connected via teleconference joined the meeting at 9:31 a.m.

Present at Alumni Centre: William R. Wiley, President; R. M. “Mac” Crow, Scott B. Lukins, and Kate B. Webster; President Samuel H. Smith, Provost Thomas F. George, Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie A. Giffen, University Counsel Sally P. Savage, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Robert V. Smith, Vice Provost for Student Affairs K. J. “Gus” Kravas, Senior Assistant Attorney General Paul Tanaka, Executive Director of Budget and Planning Gregory P. Royer, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Geoffrey L. Gamble, Associate Vice President for University Advancement Connie Kravas, Assistant Vice President–Business Services Ernest Renfro, Faculty Senate President Carolyn Clark, Staff Senate President Tori Byington, Alumni Association President Marlene Fallquist, GPSA President Oliver Bangera, and ASWSU President and Vice President Heather Metcalf and Dean Davis.

Present via teleconference: Regents Richard R. Albrecht, Phyllis J. Campbell, John W. Ellis, and Louis H. Pepper.

1. Opening and Introductions. Regent William Wiley welcomed all to the meeting. He announced that due to poor weather conditions, Regents Albrecht, Campbell, Ellis, and Pepper would be participating in the meeting by conference phone.

President Samuel Smith also provided welcoming remarks and introduced Dr. Paul Wong who joined the Department of Comparative American Cultures as chair in the Fall of 1993. He also introduced Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth R. Vreeland, Jr., Chair of the Department of Military Science. Colonel Vreeland introduced a group of Army ROTC cadets who were recognized for their outstanding performance at the 1993 ROTC Advanced Camp in the summer of 1993.

2. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of the meeting of November 19, 1993. Carried.

3. Higher Education Coordinating Board. Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Geoff Gamble provided information from the November 19, 1993, December 19, 1993, and the January 20, 1994, HEC Board meetings. He said that at the November 19, 1993, meeting, the Ph.D. in Environment and Natural Resource Sciences was approved; that at the December 19, 1993, meeting, the HEC Board provided a briefing on assessment activities and held a tuition policy forum; and that at the January 20, 1994, meeting, the Pharmacy Education Plan developed by Washington State University and the University of Washington was approved. In addition, there was a board briefing on tuition setting issues and faculty workload.

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4. Report by the Vice Provost for Research. Vice Provost for Research Bob Smith reported that for fiscal year 1993, sponsored research totaled $85.7 million, which is a 10.3 percent increase compared to fiscal year 1992. He said the largest portion of this money comes from federal grants and contracts totaling $47.4 million contributed from the Department of Energy, the Department of Health and Human Services, the United States Department of Agriculture, the Department of State, and the National Science Foundation.

5. College of Education Reconfiguration Plan. Provost Tom George provided information about the College of Education Reconfiguration Plan. He said that the reconfigurations approved included a reduction in the number of departments from four to three, which will aid in the reduction of administrative costs. The reconfiguration appears as follows:

Old Departments

Educational and Counseling Psychology

Educational Administration and Supervision

Elementary and Secondary Education

Physical Education, Sport and Leisure Studies

Proposed New Departments

Educational Leadership and Counseling Psychology

Kinesiology and Leisure Studies

Teaching and Learning

Further reconfigurations also include the elimination of the teaching option in Physical Education and the elimination of the coaching minor. Other items discussed were the retention of the minor in Sport Management, the retention of tenured faculty members associated with the minor, and that current appointments on the Health Education faculty will not be reduced.

President Smith complimented Provost George on the handling of this reconfiguration and commented that this demonstrates that this process works.

Regent Bill Wiley said it would be nice if the accumulated costs savings from such reconfigurations could be identified as being from part of the reconfiguration process.

6. 1993-95 Supplemental Budget/Governor’s Recommendation. Provost Tom George provided information about Governor Lowry’s 1993-95 supplemental budget recommendation. He said the Governor has recommended reductions to the 1993-95

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operating budget for most state agencies and that the recommendation for WSU includes a reduction of 1.5 percent in operating funds and an increase of $9 million in the capital budget for Veterinary Teaching Hospital equipment.

Please see Exhibit A for details regarding the governor’s recommendation on the 1993-95 supplemental budget.

7. Ph.D. in Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences. It was moved and seconded that, effective fall semester 1994, the Board of Regents approve the recommendation to establish a Ph.D. in Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences. Carried.

8. Name Change and Restructuring of the Department of Child, Consumer and Family Studies and Elements of the Department of Adult and Youth Education. It was moved and seconded that, effective immediately, the Board of Regents approve the name change and restructuring of the Department of Child, Consumer and Family Studies and elements of the Department of Adult and Youth Education to the Department of Human Development. Carried.

9. Report by the Vice Provost for Student Affairs. Vice Provost for Student Affairs Gus Kravas provided information regarding ten-day enrollment counts. He reported that the total headcount for spring 1994 is 15,625, which includes nursing students enrolled at the Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education in Spokane and Yakima, and students enrolled in winter quarter at the WSU Center for Hotel and Restaurant Administration in Seattle. The student body includes 8,505 men and 7,120 women, and the increases are mostly in the freshman and sophomore classes. With regard to ethnic distribution, there are 226 more minority students enrolled in spring 1994 than there were enrolled in spring of 1993. This represents a 16.68 percent increase in minority students. Minority students represent 10.16 percent of the total enrollment.

Dr. Kravas also presented information on the Regents Student Emergency Assistance Fund, which is a fund used to assist individual students in acute financial need. The funds ordinarily are meant to be of assistance to individuals who have exhausted all other personal and institutional resources to help themselves. Loans are made to students with immediate personal emergencies, sensitive needs, and/or unique circumstances, that existing WSU short-term loan program policies do not address. The loan was established to honor Robert B. McEachern, past president and retired member of the Board of Regents.

10. Report by the Vice President for Business Affairs. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported on the status of Todd Hall, which is a $17 million remodeling project to be completed in a year’s time. She said this hall is now

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empty and that office spaces have been moved to Kruegel Hall and that all 42 classrooms are closed with arrangements for classroom space being made all over campus, including the Compton Union Building.

Ms. Giffen also reported on the search for a new Athletic Director. She said the application deadline is today. She said the committee consists of 19 members, including off- and on-campus individuals, that it is being chaired by Dr. Bud Ryan, that they have met one time, and that they are scheduled to meet again on Monday, the 24th of January. She said they have received approximately 20 active files, that they have had many inquiries, and that about 35 to 40 individuals have been contacted. With regard to a timeline, she said they hope to narrow the candidates down to 8 or 10 right away and then work in smaller groups for contact with interested candidates and some colleagues. She said they will work to be able to bring 2 or 3 candidates to campus by mid-February. She said this search is moving along quickly and that a great deal of interest had been generated by this vacancy.

11. Contracts under Previous Delegation of Authority under $500,000. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that, on the authority delegated to the President of the University or his designee by the Board of Regents at the meeting of January 24, 1986, she had approved entering into contract with the following:

Atkinson Construction Co., Spokane, for the Wilson Hall remodel of rooms 7-12, in the amount of $360,867, including sales tax, contingency and miscellaneous costs, to be paid from Minor Capital Renewal funds and Minor Capital Improvement funds.

Hamre Construction, Spokane, for the completion of room 212 in Clark Hall, in the amount of $86,808, including sales tax, contingency, Labor and Industries plan review, Ellis-Feeney Architects fees, and miscellaneous costs, to be paid from departmental funds.

12. Contracts under Previous Delegation of Authority over $500,000. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that, on the authority delegated to the President of the University or his designee by the Board of Regents at the meeting of April 9, 1993, she had approved entering into contract with John Korsmo Construction, Tacoma, for construction of the Dairy Forage Facility–Phase II, in the amount of $1,913,352, including sales tax, to be paid from the WSU Building Account.

13. Retirement of Faculty, Administrative and Professional Staff, and Classified Staff, July 1, 1993, through December 31, 1993. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that, on the authority delegated to the President or his designee, on July 19, 1971, the retirements of the faculty, administrative and professional staff, and the classified staff, whose names appear in Exhibit B have been approved.

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14. Annual Report of Minor Capital Improvements and Maintenance Contracts and Appointment of Architects and Engineers under Delegation of Authority. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that at the meeting of January 24, 1986, the Board of Regents delegated authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to select and approve engineers and architects for projects in which the estimated total project costs are less than $500,000; to approve and adopt plans and specifications for construction, remodeling and maintenance, work; and to advertise for and receive bids for such projects. In addition, the delegation permits the President or his designee to enter into contracts with contractors or other appropriate firms for execution of the work of such projects. Annual reports of these activities are to be furnished to the Board of Regents. A schedule of such activities administered by Facilities Development and the Physical Plant during the calendar year 1993 appears in Exhibit C.

15. Housing and Dining System Rates for 1994-95. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported on the comparisons of the following housing and dining system increases for fiscal year 1994-95 to the increases of fiscal year 1993-94:

Residence Halls 2.7% 2.0%

Rogers Halls 4.0% 3.8%

Single Student Apartments 3.5% to 3.9% 0.0% to 5.1%

Family Apartments 0.0% to 4.0% 1.0% to 2.4%

Ms. Giffen also provided some information regarding a room and board rate comparison with other state universities in Washington as outlined in Exhibit D.

16. Completion of Contracts over $2,500. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve, for purposes of RCW Chapters 60.28 and 39.08, the satisfactory completion of contracts with the following:

S. G. Morin & Son, Inc., Spokane, for the Exterior Renovation of Steven’s Hall in the final amount of $326,099, including change order and sales tax, to be paid from Housing and Dining System funds.

Patriot Fire Protection, Spokane, for installation of a fire sprinkler system in the Cooper Publications Building and the General Storage Building in the final amount of $168,587, including sales tax, to be paid from Minor Capital Renewal funds.


17. University Housing/Apartment Construction. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen said the University Housing/Apartment Construction project will January 21, 1994

provide 150 units of family/graduate student housing in some combination of efficiency, one, two, and three bedroom units using a modified design/build method. She said this method is one in which the University contracts with a development group who designs, builds and delivers a completed building project; design, construction and interim financing all are included in the “package”.

Ms. Giffen said her staff has been in the process of reviewing the housing issue for about two years with regard to future housing needs at WSU. She said WSU has worked closely with the community on this issue and will continue planning as enrollment projections are developed. She said it is WSU’s goal to house approximately 50 percent of the student-body on campus in order to retain the residential nature of WSU.

Regent Mac Crow commented that the Business Affairs Study Group has gone through the supporting data on this project. A discussion of the need for this project followed, including the issue of the loss of many family units since 1981-82 and the planning that has occurred to convert current single student units to family units. Also discussed was the idea that adequate housing is a part of an overall “package” to get students to come to WSU. The Regents also wanted to know what locations were being considered, and Ms. Giffen responded that they are Rocky Point, the Orchards, and Hilltop Stables, although the design consultant will help to determine this. Other issues discussed concerning this project were the financing of the project and the design of the housing to meet the needs of both traditional and non-traditional students.

It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve a design/build method to construct new university apartments and delegate authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs to hire two consultants, one to prepare a design/build Request for Proposal, and the other to prepare a financial plan for the project; and further, delegate authority to advertise for bids for a design/build contractor. Carried.

18. Annual Greater WSU Fund Allocation. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents allocate $60,000 to the Greater WSU Fund for the 1993-94 fiscal year and delegate authority to the President of the University to expend said sum, plus any earned interest, for the purpose for which this fund was originally intended, as established by the Resolution adopted on February 16, 1968, which created the fund. Carried.

19. WSU Foundation Gift Report for December 1993. Associate Vice President for University Advancement Connie Kravas reported that the year-to-date donations

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and private grants totaled $19,597,684 and that the year-to-date number of donors totaled 30,786.

Regent Wiley complimented Dr. Kravas for the marvelous job she and her staff are doing in this area.

20. Reports from University Groups. Faculty Senate Chair Carolyn Clark provided compliments to her colleagues for their success in the area of sponsored research. She said this takes a great deal of faculty members’ time. She said she feels it is remarkable that most of the faculty at WSU are involved in the efforts of finding funding. Other items included in Dr. Clark’s report were: comments regarding the building efforts on campus, and specifically the remodeling in Wilson Hall; the reassignment of classrooms due to remodeling in Todd Hall and the success of efforts in this area; the Steering Committee’s recommendation of acceptance by the Faculty Senate of the College of Education Reconfiguration Plan; the issue of unionization of the faculty at 4-year institutions and the recommendation by WSU’s legislative representatives that WSU’s name be removed from this bill; and positive comments about shared governance and the University’s success with this.

Regent Kate Webster asked Dr. Clark if there were any feelings from the legislators in Olympia about the University of Washington and WSU wishing for their names to be removed from the unionization bill, and Dr. Clark said there is not yet a consensus on that and there may be some work to do to make sure that WSU’s name is removed from this bill. She added that they will soon be speaking with their faculty representative in Olympia, so there should be an idea soon on how this is going.

Staff Senate President Tori Byington provided comments on the many accomplishments of the Staff Senate since its beginning just over two-years ago. She said a major accomplishment has been bringing to the University an awareness of the professionals who work in classified staff positions. She also discussed the bill before the House of Representatives putting many classified staff into the exempt category of employment and the discussions that have occurred regarding adequate representation of the exempt personnel within the University community in order to participate in shared governance at WSU. Another issue which is being discussed within the Staff Senate concerns staff benefits and the possibility of granting them a choice between the PERS and TIAA retirement programs, as they currently participate only in the PERS program. Also, the Staff senate is working to create an award for excellent supervisors in the classified, exempt, and faculty categories.

Regent Bill Wiley commented that he is appreciative of the added value having the Staff Senate organization and applauded their efforts to bring that value to the University. He also commented that he is grateful for their presence at the Regents’ table.

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GPSA President Oliver Bangera reported on his trip to Reno, Nevada for the national graduate student conference and commented that he is appreciative of being part of a school that is so open. He said WSU is different, due to being able to work with rather than against the administration. He said one current concern the graduate students have is the lack of interaction between the graduate students of the various departments. In order to correct this situation, they have set up a study room, including computers, in which the graduate students can work. Other items discussed were raising money for copy cards and inter-library loans, setting up workshops on publishing and writing grant proposals, and working on a computerized job reference programs, so students can be on-line to locate jobs.

ASWSU President Heather Metcalf provided comments on the reassignment of classes from Todd Hall to the CUB and said that CUB Director Tim McCarty has helped a great deal and has made sure that the students have what they need. Ms. Metcalf also reported on the upcoming events regarding Black History month and the ASWSU food drive occurring as a follow-up to the food drives which occurred during the holidays. In addition, she noted that the Housing Commission and Student Legal Services are combining their services to investigate more closely the housing issue and that they will hold a forum that will include WSU members and the members of the community, so that students can inquire and voice their concerns about housing and become more informed about working with landlords, gaining and understanding about their rent, etc. Ms. Metcalf also announced that ASWSU elections will begin soon and that Bob and Carol Smawley have donated two $500 scholarships to go to any students who have done an outstanding job in student leadership.

Alumni Association President Marlene Fallquist said this is a time of change for staff in the Alumni Association, as two out of five of their positions have changed. She said they are delighted with these changes. Ms. Fallquist announced that the Crimson Company will kick off their spring tour February 17 in Quincy, Washington. She also reported that the Alumni Association recently honored Edward Claplandhoo with an Alumni Achievement Award. Mr. Claplandhoo is a 1965 graduate of forestry, and he received this award in recognition of his contributions to the Makah Tribe.

21. President’s Report. President Sam Smith provided some closing comments regarding the dedication ceremony for the commemorative issue of the Edward R. Murrow postage stamp to be held in the Edward R. Murrow Communication Center at 11:30 a.m.

President Smith also provided some comments regarding Regent Kate Webster. This meeting was Mrs. Webster’s final meeting as a member of the Board of Regents, and President Smith said she had done more to shape the University than any other Regent he had known. He requested a round of applause for Mrs. Webster. Mrs. Webster responded that WSU has come to mean a great deal to her.

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The meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m. The Regents participated in the Edward R. Murrow stamp dedication ceremony and had lunch with members of the University community, officials from the postal service, and other visiting dignitaries.