February 1, 2008
The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 9:30 a.m., on Friday, February 1, 2008, at WSU Vancouver, Administration Building, Room 129, Vancouver, Washington.
Present: Regent Connie Niva, Chair; Regents, Kenneth Alhadeff, Scott E. Carson, Harold Cochran, Elizabeth Cowles (via teleconference), Francois Forgette, William Gordon, Laura Jennings, V. Rafael Stone, and Michael Worthy; President Elson S. Floyd, and Executive Assistant to the Board of Regents Christine Hoyt.
1. Report from the Chair of the Board of Regents. Regent Niva welcomed everyone to the meeting. She reported on the many things that have taken place since the October Board Meeting. She reported that the WSU Board of Regents met with the University of Washington Board of Regents in November; that WSU has already played 16 basketball games; WSU has a new football coach; that the legislature is in full session; and that the one-year mark has passed since appointing Dr. Floyd as President. She added that in the short amount of time during his presidency, Dr. Floyd has already made a significant difference for the University.
2. Report from the President of the University. President Elson S. Floyd thanked Chair Niva for her kind words and for the opportunity to address the Board. He thanked Chancellor Dengerink and his staff for hosting the Board of Regents and for his fine leadership. President Floyd also recognized Provost Bates who has decided to transition out of the provost position and go back to teaching on June 30. He thanked Provost Bates for this leadership and dedication over the past six years leading Academic Affairs. He also added that Dean Warwick Bayly has agreed to chair the search for the next Provost and Academic Vice President. He also indicated that at the last meeting there were discussions regarding the possibility of combining the College of Liberal Arts with the College of Sciences. After much deliberation by the committee and the provost, it was decided unanimously to keep those two colleges separate. President Floyd commended Athletic Director Jim Sterk for the hiring of new football coach Paul Wulff. He also thanked Jim for his leadership and added that it is such a pleasure working with someone whose integrity is never questioned. President Floyd reported that since the weather in Pullman has been so terrible; it was decided to close the University yesterday and today for the safety of the students, faculty and staff. He reported that Vice President Tate led a memorial for the three WSU students who died in a recent car accident. He said that there have been so many automobile accidents this year at the University and he hopes that we can think of ways to secure the safety of the students. He thanked Dr. Tate for leading the delegation and for participating in the memorial services. Lastly, he reported that he hopes to complete the searches for the Vice President for University Relations and the Provost as quickly as possible. He said that once these two leadership positions are filled, it will complete the administrative structure of his leadership team for the University. He thanked everyone for their patience, hard work and leadership.
3. Focused Discussion. Hal Dengerink, Chancellor of WSU Vancouver provided a Powerpoint presentation about WSU Vancouver. His overview included a brief history of WSU Vancouver, early lessons learned, how WSU Vancouver fits within the WSU System, and what the future holds.
4. Consent Agenda. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board approve the minutes of October 19, 2007, and November 24, 2007. Carried.
Reports from University Groups.
Faculty Senate Chair Ken Struckmeyer reported that on behalf of the Faculty Senate he would like to thank Provost Bates for his leadership. He expressed the faculty support for the Child Care Study that is available on the Faculty Senate Website and added that the availability of Child Care is critical to the retention of faculty and the recruitment of Graduate Students, as well. He reported that there is a House Bill before the Legislature proposing the establishment of a Faculty Regent, and that the WSU Faculty Senate supports the proposal. He also expressed their disappointment in the Governor’s proposed budget for the lack of support in graduate student funding, and faculty and staff salaries.
President Floyd congratulated Professor Struckmeyer for receiving the 2008 Sahlin Faculty Excellence Award.
Administrative Professional Advisory Council (APAC) Chair Francis Benjamin highlighted the importance of the Campus-Wide Communications System for all campuses and that the Pullman Campus Closure is a prime example of that need. He also reported that APAC held a meeting on the Tri-Cities campus last November which provided an opportunity to meet with administrative professionals at that location. He added that holding meetings on the regional campuses is helping to reduce the geographical boundaries of regional campuses. He reported that with President Floyd’s support, APAC has been able to expand their council positions to include positions from each regional campus and one research station. He said that the added positions will also help decrease the geographical barriers of all WSU locations. Lastly, he reported that APAC will have a physical presence in the Faculty Senate Office. He said that APAC is grateful for the support of President Floyd and the Business and Finance office to create a physical presence on the Pullman Campus.
Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU) President Kasey Webster reported that ASWSU supports House Bill 2948 to add a Faculty Regent to the Board. He also reported on the upcoming annual Multicultural Fundraising Dinner that is currently on target to raise more money than ever before. He also reported that ASWSU and Regent Gordon are working closely with Vice President Murali to include a technology shop in the CUB. He said the idea of having a place where students can purchase the latest pieces of technology at discounted prices is very appealing to the students. Lastly, he reported that ASWSU is already gearing up for the ASWSU elections and Student Regent selection.
Foundation Board of Governors Chair Larry Culver announced the appointment of Brenda Wilson-Hale as the Vice President for University Development. He said that the search committee set their goals very high and they were determined to go after the best. He said they focused on who had demonstrated a successful track record in a very broad market and it became clear that Brenda’s expertise in development work made her the likely candidate. He added that she will be a great asset for the foundation. He also reported that fundraising efforts continue to be very positive with $48.8M in gifts, grants, pledges and revocable gifts for the period of July 1, 2007 – December 31, 2007, compared to $37.4M from that same period in 2006. He said that they are on track to reach the fiscal year goals of $100M and the campaign progress to date is $179.5M. He said the endowment market value as of November 30, 2007, is $328.3M, compared to $288M as of November 30, 2006. He added that the investment management team is doing a stellar job. He reported on the Board of Governors meeting that was held in Palm Springs in January and that the agenda included Standing Committee reports, and an in-depth discussion on the WSU campaign. Lastly, reported on the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting that will be held May 29-30, 2008, in Walla Walla, Washington.
President Floyd and Chair Niva thanked Larry for leading the search to find the next Vice President for University Development. They also conveyed their sincere appreciation to him and his wife for their unwavering contributions to WSU.
Alumni Association President Al Powell was unable to attend the meeting. Tim Pavish, Interim Vice for University Relations reported on his behalf. He reported that the WSU Alumni Association, University Relations, and the WSU Foundation are working together to assist President Floyd in attaining his goals of increased engagement with alumni and friends. He said that the receptions entitled “A Conversation with President Elson S. Floyd, Ph.D.” are part of a series of receptions that offer attendees the opportunity to have a dialogue with the President about the University’s important work in research, education, outreach, and economic development. The receptions are held in strategic locations where high numbers of alumni reside. He said that future events will extend across the state and the globe. He also reported that the WSUAA Career Support program will launch March 10, 2008. He said that this on-line membership benefit will help further the careers of Cougars, expand networking opportunities, enhance the value of their WSU degree, help achieve career ambitions, increase the success of Cougar-owned or Cougar-managed businesses, and keep alumni connected with WSU.
Associated Students of Washington State University Vancouver (ASWSUV) President Peter Sterr thanked the Board for the opportunity to report to them. He said that ASWSUV is continuing to adjust to the presence of freshmen and sophomore students and that these populations represent their growing need for extensive programming and facilities to accommodate the expansion of student life opportunities. He reported that they are campaigning to bring a Student Recreation Center to the campus that would also include more student-accessible daycare, a need of their largely non-traditional student body. He added on a broader scale, that they are working hard on building legislative identity. He said that they have appointed a Director of Legislative Affairs who is also corroborating with ASWSU Pullman to develop WSU Vancouver student representation at the state level. He also reported that Firstenburg Student Commons is becoming a great place for the students to congregate and develop a sense of community. Lastly, he reported that ASWSU Vancouver is working hard to both cultivate independence while embracing their uniqueness and to strengthen communication and involvement with ASWSU in Pullman.
6. Executive Committee. Regent Connie Niva reported that when the forums were held at the various regional campuses during the Presidential Search, it was clear that the faculty that had been involved in the strategic planning effort did not want to go through that process again, but did agree that the Plan should be updated with the new administration. She said that Provost Bates is leading the group to refresh the Strategic Plan. She said that President Floyd presented to the committee a vision of WSU’s future, providing a mission for WSU to be one of the leading land-grant universities in the country. She asked President Floyd to comment on this vision and how it complements the Strategic Plan.
President Floyd reviewed the focused university priorities and indicated that he has an incredible team in place to carry out these priorities. He also reported that the benchmarks will continue to be revised and that the Regents will be informed on a regular basis.
7. Finance and Audit Committee. Regent Michael Worthy reported that the committee received reports from the State Auditor’s Office, the Internal Auditor’s Office and also reviewed the Financial Statements for the period ending 2007. He said the State Auditor issued an unqualified opinion and for the 9th year in a row, there were no substantive findings. Regent Worthy reviewed each action item before board approval.
The Board took action on the following:
WSU Pullman, Olympia Avenue Student Housing, General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) Selection and Schematic Design. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President or his designee to issue Final Determination (public notification and review) to utilize the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) process pursuant to RCW 39.10.030; and subject to issuance of the Final Determination and funding, select a GC/CM, and award contracts(s), provided a Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC) can be established within funds available; approve Schematic Design documents and grant authorization proceed. Carried.
WSU Pullman, Martin Stadium Renovation, Phase III Design Build Team Selection. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President or his designee to approve the selection of the Design-Build team that will provide planning, design, and construction, and grant authorization to proceed with the process for design, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
WSU Pullman, Stephenson Complex, South and East Towers, Refurbish Interiors. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the project to refurbish the interiors of the South and East Towers, grant authorization to proceed, and delegate authority to the President, or his designee, to award a construction contract, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
WSU Pullman, WSU High Speed Fiber Acquisition. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the acquisition of the High Speed Fiber from Spokane to Boise via Pullman, grant authorization to proceed, and delegate authority to the President or his designee to award a contract, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
WSU Vancouver, Campus Infrastructure 2007, Schematic Design. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve Schematic Design documents, grant authorization to proceed, and delegate authority to the President or his designee to advertise for bids and award a construction contract, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
WSU Pullman, Washington Building (Old Hospital) Phase III Renovation, Schematic Design. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve Schematic Design documents, grant authorization to proceed, and delegate authority to the President or his designee to advertise for bids and award a construction contract, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
WSU Spokane Riverpoint Campus, Veterinary Clinic, Schematic Design. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve Schematic Design documents, grant authorization to proceed, and delegate authority to the President or his designee to advertise for bids and award a construction contract, provided costs are within funds available. Carried.
WSU Pullman, Consolidated Storage Building. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents authorize additional funding to allow for increased contingency for this construction project, for a total cost of $1,400,000. Carried.
WSU Pullman, Arboretum, Approval for Designation. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the designation of approximately 95 acres to establish an arboretum on the Pullman Campus. Carried.
8. Academic and Student Affairs Committee. Regent Francois Forgette reported
that the accreditation process is underway and that the evaluation team visit is scheduled for April 2009, and that the Regents will have a role at that time. He also reported that the School of Music and Theatre Arts has been split into two units and are now the School of Music and the Department of Theatre and Dance which became effective January 1, 2008. Regent Forgette reviewed each action item before Board approval.
The Board took action on the following:
WAC Revisions: Standards of Conduct for Students. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve amendments and changes to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Section 504-26, Standards of Conduct for Students, as outlined in the attached summary in Exhibit A. Carried.
Housing and Dining Rates. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve an increase in the Housing and Dining Rates not to exceed the following percentage from the FY2008 Rates outlined in Exhibit B. Carried.
Executive MBA Program Tuition Rate. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the tuition rate of $50,000 per student for the entire Executive MBA program. The tuition includes costs of instruction, books, staffing, orientation, food during weekend classes, a study abroad experience, and other expenses. Carried.
Summer Session Tuition Rate for Professional Students. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents delegate authority to the President to set summer session tuition as to each category of resident professional students, provided that such tuition may not exceed the tuition rate charged part-time resident professional students in the same category during the previous academic year. Carried.
9. External Affairs and Athletics Committee. Regent Ken Alhadeff reported that they received a series of reports. He said that President Floyd provided an update on the 2008 Legislature and the Supplemental Budget Requests. He said that Vice President Wilson-Hale presented a very effective and meaningful update for the WSU Foundation. He said their series of reports also included an Athletics Update from Jim Sterk who updated them on the Stadium project, the hiring of the new football coach, and an academics update on WSU Athletes. He highlighted that in the PAC-10, WSU is #2 in graduation rate and the GPA of our football and basketball athletes is above average. He noted how extremely important it is that our student athletes are students first and then athletes. Lastly, he said that they received a report from Tim Pavish on marketing and communications and they look forward to his presentation at the next Board Meeting.
10. Adjournment. The Board of Regents meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting held March 21, 2008, Consolidated Information Center, Room 120, Richland, Washington.