May 10, 2002

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 9:02 a.m., on Friday, May 10, 2002, in the Samuel H. Smith Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 518, Pullman, WA.

Present: Regent Rob Fukai, President; Regents Kenneth Alhadeff, Phyllis Campbell, Darren P. Eastman, Peter J. Goldmark, William Marler, and V. Rafael Stone; President V. Lane Rawlins, Provost Robert C. Bates, Vice President for Business Affairs Gregory P. Royer, Vice President for University Relations Sally P. Savage, Vice President for Student Affairs Charlene Jaeger, Interim Vice President for Information Technology Mary Doyle, Senior Assistant Attorney General Antoinette Ursich, Faculty Senate Chair William Cofer, GPSA President Victoria Hansel-Kuehn, ASWSU President Jesse Keene, and Alumni Association President Ed Little.

Regents Betsy Cowles and Steven Hill were connected via phone.

1. Opening Remarks. Regent Fukai welcomed everyone to newly dedicated Smith Center for Undergraduate Education on this 2002 commencement weekend.

Regent Fukai introduced world-class faculty member, Dr. Richard Sias, Chair of Investment Management at WSU. Dr. Sias introduced undergraduate student Brooke Randall. Dr. Sias and Mr. Randall gave the Board a brief overview on the Senior Investment Course.

2. President of the University. President Rawlins welcomed everyone to Pullman and took a moment to announce the hiring of Richard “Rick” Frisch as the new Vice President for University Development and President of the WSU Foundation. Rick will begin on June 1.

President Rawlins also introduced Dr. Leonard Jessup, the recently hired Dean, College of Business and Economics. Dean Jessup provided a few comments.

3. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of the meeting of March 15, 2002. Carried.

4. Reports from University Groups.

Faculty Senate Chair Bill Cofer reviewed his report as submitted to the Board. He briefly noted the items that were passed by the Faculty Senate from the last three meetings. He also announced the new officers for the next academic year.

GPSA President Victoria Hansel Kuehn reviewed her report as submitted to the Board. She went over the election results and announced the new officers. She talked about an amendment that is needed to update to their constitution. The amendment will change the GPSA Supervisor from the Executive Secretary of the Activities Board to the Dean of the Graduate School.

ASWSU President Jesse Keene reviewed his report as submitted to the Board. He too, announced and introduced the new officers for ASWSU. He gave another update on the successful and last “Up all Night” for the year. He thanked the Members of the WSU Board of Regents for their support and donations to make Up All Night a success beyond their initial expectations. He expressed thanks to many administrators for their support and commitment to him during his term as President.

Alumni Association President Ed Little reviewed his report as submitted to the Board. He mentioned that the Diamond Graduate and the Golden Graduate Reunions held in April were another special time for the Alumni Association. He also mentioned that the Alumni Association would be present at the graduation ceremonies at all campuses. They will congratulate the graduates and welcome them as members of the Alumni Association. He thanked President Rawlins and Sally Savage for their support and also mentioned that being President of the Alumni Association was one of the best experiences he has ever had. He then announced the new President of the Alumni Association.

5. Executive, Planning, and Budget Committee. Regent Fukai reported that the committee had an update on the action items the Board will be taking. Dean Fassett joined them for a portion of the meeting to discuss the accomplishments of the Regents Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient. The committee also discussed the tuition rate recommendations. They discussed the public input and the recommendation from the administration on tuition and S&A fee rates. He said the Committee reviewed the draft 2003-05 Biennial Operating Budget and Capital Budget Requests. The top priorities include restoration of the budget reductions that we’re currently experiencing, faculty and staff salaries, full funding for enrollment, changes that will be necessary in our Vet Med program, and an initiative in biotechnology. These requests are still under development, and they will be brought to the Regents at the June meeting. Finally, the Committee had a brief discussion regarding a facility naming recommendation. There are a number of action items before the Board today; the first is the tuition and fee setting for the upcoming academic year. He said that information has been gathered, questions have been asked, and that they have received many comments. He said that the input is very much appreciated. He also said the Board has to make a decision today and that he will ask President Rawlins to give a final presentation before action is taken. He indicated that he will ask for comments, and then he will ask for a motion. Regent Fukai turned the meeting over to President Rawlins to give a final recommendation.

Before the recommendations, President Rawlins commented that budget recommendations determine tuition increases. He expressed his confidence that the recommendations are fair and balanced among the entire University Community and keep the University on track. He asked first that after the tuition recommendations, that there be a motion regarding tuition recommendations prior to the presentation to the budget, since having a budget depends on tuition.

Karl Boehmke presented tuition rate setting recommendations.

Board Members commented on the recommendation before taking action.

Tuition and Fee Setting for Academic Year 2002-03. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the recommended tuition and fee rates for the academic year 2002-03. Carried.

President Rawlins presented the FY03 budget allocations that included tuition revenue.

FY 03 Budget Allocations. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve FY03 Budget Allocations. Carried.

Regent’s Distinguished Alumnus Award. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve Dr. Higgins as the Fall 2002 Regent’s Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient. Carried.

President Rawlins provided a presentation on the 2003-05 Operating Biennial Budget Request and Karl Boehmke provided a presentation on the 2003-05 Capital Biennial Budget Request.

Bill Marler thanked Karl for his hard work and dedication to bring forward the tuition and budget recommendations.

6. Academic and Faculty Affairs Committee. Regent Marler reported that the committee discussed and reviewed the action items being brought to the Board for May action. The Committee also reviewed action items that will be forwarded to the Board in June. The committee received an update on the Statewide Ed.D. and the Spokane Doctorate of Design. He said that Provost Bates provided a progress report on the Implementation Council. As Chair, he recommends the Board take action on the following items:

Washington State University Regents’ Professor. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the Regents Professor designation. Carried.

Master of Architecture. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the Masters of Architecture effective Fall 2002. Carried.

WSU Spokane, Master of Science in Exercise Science. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the proposal to change the name of the Master of Science in Kinesiology to the Master of Science in Exercise Science and to move the program to WSU Spokane effective Fall 2002. Carried.

7. Report from the Provost and Academic Vice President. Provost and Academic Vice President Robert Bates reported that over the months he has been here, he’s been able to come face to face with Washington State University and learning about the tremendous accomplishments, the strengths of all levels of the University and about the challenges we face here and in higher education anywhere. He said trying to be a world-class institution has been an exciting process, he’s learned a great deal and can see many different ways we can work together to make this yet a higher-level university.

8. Business Affairs Committee. Regent Stone reported that the committee discussed and reviewed the action items being brought to the Board for May action. The Committee also reviewed action items that will come before the Board in June. The Committee received reports on the WSU Foundation Investment Committee. They have postponed searching for a new consultant while they review the overall design of that committee. The committee also received updates on capital projects, a capital construction report and discussed the economic stimulus package.

The Board took action on the following items:

WSU Vancouver, Student Services Center It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve schematic design documents and grant authorization to proceed. Carried.

Regent President Fukai dismissed himself from the meeting for the next two action items. He turned the meeting over to Past President Alhadeff.

Energy Services Performance Contracting (ESPC). It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the delegation of authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to sign Funding Authorizations, Contracts and/or State Treasury Loan Agreements as necessary to implement cost-effective measures. Carried.

Vice President for Business Affairs, Greg Royer asked Lori Lamb to provide a presentation on the Energy Plant proposal before Board action.

Energy Plant Redevelopment. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the delegation of authority to the President or his designee, to sign definitive agreements necessary to allow the development, construction and operation of a combined heat and power facility on the Pullman campus. Appropriate legal counsel prior to signing will approve all contracts. Carried.

Regent President Fukai returned to the meeting and Past President Alhadeff turned the meeting back over to him.

Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Changes, Parking. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the proposed changes to the Washington Administrative Code. Carried. See the WAC proposed changes in Chapter 504-15 as Exhibit A.

Economic Stimulus Package. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the increase in contracted amounts for the Stadium Way and Library Road projects as a result of additional funds received through the Economic Stimulus Package. Carried.

9. Student Affairs Committee. Regent Campbell reported that the committee discussed and reviewed the action items being brought to the Board for May action. The Committee received reports on making the transition to a selective institution. Applicant enrollments are up, new student applications are up, recruitment from Spokane and King counties is up, and high ability and multicultural student reenrollment numbers are up. She also mentioned that Milton Lang will be working part-time with Student Affairs to raise funding for scholarships and other advancement priorities. They received an update on the alumni survey and on the Greek Alliance.

The Board took action on the following items:

Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Changes, Student Conduct. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve changes to the Washington Administrative Code to revise and update the Standards of Conduct for Students. Carried.

Allocation of Services and Activities fees for Summer 2002 and Academic Year 2002-03. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the allocation of Services and Activities Fees for Summer 2002 and the Academic Year 2002-03. Carried.

Allocation of Services and Activities Facilities fees for Academic Year 2002-03. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the allocation of Services and Activities Facilities Fees for the Academic Year 2002-03. Carried.

10. Report from the Vice President for Student Affairs. Vice President Charlene Jaeger reported that Commencement is a happy time for all student leaders, but sad to say good-by to all them. She thanked all the student leaders for their commitment and dedication. She also thanked Jim Rimpau for his guidance and assistance on enrollment management. Jim will be leaving WSU.

The meeting of the Board of Regents was recessed, and the meeting of the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation was declared open.

11. Meeting of Shareholders, Students Book Corporation, Election of Directors. It was moved and seconded that the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation elect the following to serve on the Board of Directors:

Joesph Fleming, undergraduate student, appointed to a two-year term to expire in

Katie Carroll, undergraduate student, appointed to a two-year term to expire in

David Wallace, graduate student, appointed to a two-year term to expire in 2004.

Don Stem, a tenured faculty member from the Department of Marketing, reappointed by the President to a two-year term to expire in 2004.

Ron Mittelhammer, a tenured faculty member from the Department of Agricultural Economics, appointed by the President to a two-year term to expire in 2004.


The meeting of the Shareholders of the Students Book Corporation was declared closed and the meeting of the Board of Regents was reconvened.

12. Election of Officers. It was moved and seconded that Regent Joe King be elected to serve as President of the Board of Regents for the year beginning May 15, 2002, and that Regent William Marler be elected to serve as Vice President of the Board of Regents for the year beginning May 15, 2002, with the understanding that he shall act a President pro tempore in the absence of the President, with the power to preside at the meetings and to sign all documents required to be executed by the Board of Regents. Carried.

13. Recognition of Regent Darren Eastman. Regent Fukai read a resolution commending Student Regent Darren Eastman for his dedication and service to the Board during his term as Regent. He also presented Darren with a medallion.

14. Recognition of Regent Rob Fukai. Regent Marler presented Rob Fukai with a Gavel for his service as Board President for the term 2001-02. He also read a resolution commending Rob Fukai for his service to the Board of Regents.

15. President’s Report. President Rawlins made comments reflecting on the academic year. He talked about the wonderful people who are leaving our institution. He thanked the Board for being involved. He presented Rob Fukai with a Cougar Bronze and plaque.

Rob thanked the Regents and the University for the opportunity to serve his alma mater.

At 11:55 a.m. the Regents Meeting adjourned.

Approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting held at Washington
State University Vancouver, Student Services Center Room 236, Vancouver,
Washington, June 14, 2002