March 15, 1996

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call, in Open Meeting, at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, March 15, 1996, in the Lewis Alumni Centre, Pullman, Washington.

Present: Phyllis J. Campbell, President; Regents: Richard A. Davis, John W. Ellis, Peter J. Goldmark, Carmen Otero, and Louis H. Pepper; President Samuel H. Smith, Provost Thomas F. George, Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie A. Giffen, Vice President for Extended University Affairs Thomas L. Purce, University Counsel Sally P. Savage, Senior Assistant Attorney General Richard L. Hutchinson, Faculty Senate Chair Greg Hooks, Staff Senate President Richard Rupp, Alumni Association President Jim Miller, GPSA President Oliver Bangera, and ASWSU President Jessie Harris.

Also present were: Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Geoffrey L. Gamble, Vice Provost for Human Relations and Resources Ernestine Madison, Executive Director of Budget and Planning Gregory P. Royer, Budget Director Karl Boehmke, Director of Statewide Affairs Larry Ganders, Associate Vice President for University Relations Barbara Petura, Associate Vice Provost of the Graduate School William Rayburn, Director of Facilities Development David Smith, and Registrar Monty Nielsen.

1. Welcome. Regent Phyllis Campbell welcomed everyone to the meeting, called the meeting to order, and provided a special welcome to Regent Peter Goldmark to his first Regents’ meeting. President Smith also provided welcoming remarks and introduced the following: Robert Altenkirch, Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture; Nancy Bell, Chair, Department of Finance; Tony Nowak, Director of Residence Life; Carol Risenberg, Director, Washington Small Business Development Center; and Wayne Sparks, Director, Financial Aid.

2. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the WSU Board of Regents approve the minutes of the meeting of January 26, 1996. Carried.

3. Granting of Degrees. It was moved and seconded that the WSU Board of Regents approve the recommendation of the faculty that the candidates appearing in Exhibit A be advanced to the degrees set above their names as members of the Class of December 23, 1995. Carried.

4. Reports from University Groups. Faculty Senate Chair Greg Hooks reported on faculty comments about the Four-Year Degree Agreement and Virtual WSU. Dr. Hooks informed the Regents that the faculty debated the four-year degree issue and determined overall this was an attractive option for the University and the students. Relative to Virtual WSU, Dr. Hooks said faculty’s concerns ranged on both ends of the scale–from those who are on the leading edge who feel we should aggressively reengineer how we deliver education and from those who are very cautious about changes that are felt to be radical in scope. Dr. Hooks provided cautionary remarks about how we deliver education to various groups, how

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we inform the students about these changes, and how the transformation of the way in which we teach takes place.

Regent Davis indicated he recognizes the challenges faced in this area, that this is an emotional issue, and indicated that more thought and discussion are needed in this area. He emphasized we need to continue to move forward and wishes to have more discussion about this in the future.

Dr. Hooks clarified that his comments concerned “how” we make change, rather than the change itself. He indicated he feels it is important that we obtain baseline measure of how effective we are now and then introduce to the faculty the benefits of the changes to be implemented.

Regent Ellis stated he also understands people’s reactions and shared his concerns relative to having some groups of faculty continuing with the status quo and another group of faculty moving off in another direction. He feels this is inappropriate and that we need to address this issue.

President Smith noted that Dr. Hooks has been very helpful in terms of keeping us informed of the reality of some of the changes that are occurring and keeping us informed of the faculty’s views.

Staff Senate President Richard Rupp’s provided remarks concerning Virtual WSU and his department’s application for funding in this area, which he said was an educational experience that was a step toward involving all members of the university into this new process. Mr. Rupp also presented materials published by WSU that provide staff with different kinds of information over many subjects. He highlighted the new Staff Handbook, which will soon be available electronically. Mr. Rupp informed the Regents about Senate Bill 6174 which was a bill extending a fee waiver for academic classes to part-time staff. He explained this is a current benefit available for full-time staff, it is a good tool for recruitment, it fits in well with the direction the University is going in terms of life-long learning, and finally, it is a great morale booster to the staff.

GPSA President Oliver Bangera thanked the administration, especially Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Geoff Gamble, for the support of the study center. He indicated it has been a big success, and it is much appreciated. Mr. Bangera also provided comments on spousal access to the health center and thanked Jesse Harris for the hard work during the S & A Fee process.

Regent Phyllis Campbell thanked Mr. Bangera for his leadership.

ASWSU President Jessie Harris announced that Matt Caires had won the election and will be the next ASWSU President. Mr. Harris reported on the following issues: the

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“reaching out” program at ASWSU designed to involve students of color in student government; a recent meeting with the branch campus student government officials; the NASHE Conference (a student advocacy group) he attended during February; the television program “Inside ASWSU”; and the legislative session. Mr. Harris also commented on the issue that has arisen concerning the Students’ Book Corporation and the selling of cut flowers. Mr. Harris indicated the students’ concerns were centered around protocol issues and possible violations with regard to the SBC bylaws and the Board of Directors.

Regent Campbell commented that the Regents Business Affairs Subcommittee is taking a look at this issue.

Alumni Association President Jim Miller provided comments on the following recent events: Alumni reception in Olympia in January to spotlight technological components and programs at WSU; next week’s board meeting in Vancouver; and activities to occur during graduation week, including the honoring of the golden grads with a reception in Pullman.

President Smith commented that this year’s Commencement will be the Centennial Commencement and the Golden Grads will be involved in the ceremony.

Regent Campbell thanked the University Group representatives for their activism during the legislative session and stated that Greg Royer and Larry Ganders also deserve much credit for their hard work.

5. Reports on the 1996 Supplemental Budget and the 1997-99 Operating Budget Request. Provost Tom George reported on the 1996 Supplemental Operating Budget. The total allocation was $5,256,000 for the following: Pesticide & Wine Grape Research; Increased Access Through Technology & Partnerships; Cooperative Library Project; Transfer of the Washington State Energy Office; Bond Payment Adjustment; Health Benefits; and Medicinal Marijuana Research.

Provost George reported on potential request items for the 1997-99 Operating Budget Request. These include University-wide initiatives, such as Access through Technology (Enrollment Funding, Virtual WSU and Instructional Quality, Extended Learning Centers, and WHEN Operating Support); Salary Initiatives; Distinguished Professorships/Fellowships; and Facilities Maintenance. Also to be included as potential request items will be Area Initiatives, whereby individual colleges will have the opportunity to forward initiatives.

Please see Exhibit B for a copy of Provost George’s presentations on the 1996 supplemental budget and the 1997-99 operating budget.

6. Academic Affairs Committee Report. Regent Carmen Otero provided a report from the Regents Academic Affairs Committee which met with Provost George and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Geoff Gamble. Regent Otero indicated they discussed the issue

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of summer tuition, reported that WSU will use a phase-in approach, and stated that out-of-state students’ tuition will be phased in over a three-year period. She explained that this will mean we will have fewer out-of-state students during the summer so WSU will implement an incentive approach to encourage more in-state students to remain during the summer.

Regent Otero also reported the Academic Affairs Committee discussed the Institute for Teaching and Learning and announced that the Chair of the Department of English, Mary Wack, will lead this group. She indicated the purpose of this program is to prepare faculty for Virtual WSU and that it will begin on June 1. In addition, the Academic Affairs Committee discussed the Four-Year Degree Agreement. She announced that the Faculty Senate had approved the Agreement and that it will be ready to implement for interested students in the fall.

7. Regents Diversity Advisory Subcommittee Report. Regent Carmen Otero provided an update on diversity. She read the following mission statement from the division of Human Relations and Resources:

The mission of the division of Human Relations and Resources is to plan, promote, provide, coordinate, and monitor programs and services which enhance the institutional climate and support faculty, staff, and students in a diversified, multicultural community.

Regent Otero also reviewed the five University goals for diversity.

8. Trust Lands/Business Affair Subcommittee Report. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen provided a “white paper” on the WSU position relative to the trust lands issue and explained that this document well clarifies WSU’s position. Ms. Giffen also provided financial information concerning Department of Natural Resources activity and the WSU land grant and WSU land grant trusts.

Ms. Giffen reported that the Trust Lands/Business Affairs Subcommittee met yesterday called upon Regent Pepper to report from this meeting. Regent Pepper reported the WSU trust should be producing $20 to $25 million per year in perpetuity if they were properly invested but that WSU is currently getting approximately $6 million. He indicated the goal is to be getting a reasonable rate of return on these lands, as the revenue from this land may prove to be crucial to the future of education, including K-12 public schools, other state colleges and universities, etc. Regent Pepper stated the assets of the University need to be protected and we must be certain that the proposed Habitat Conservation Plan treats them fairly.

9. Endowment Investment Committee Report. Vice President Sallie Giffen provided a report on the status of the endowment. She said the committee met on March 1, and we are

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hoping to reach the $100 million mark in the next few months in the endowment. She indicated that once this level is reached, we will be looking at hiring additional managers.

10. Completion of Contracts over $2,500. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that on the authority delegated to her at the meeting of June 24, 1994, she had approved satisfactory completion of the following contracts:

Grinnell Fire Protection Services for the McEachern Graduate Center life safety improvements in the final amount of $384,431.

Rod’s Electric for traffic signal controllers upgrade in the final amount of $93,308.

Sanders Construction for the addition of vestibule door and repair of soffit at the Tree Fruit and Research Station at Wenatchee in the final amount of $63,658.

Advanced Filter Service, Inc. for duct work cleaning at Kimbrough Hall in the final amount of $15,695.

11. Campus Infrastructure, WSU Vancouver Phase II Development. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen provided background information on the campus infrastructure as part of the WSU Vancouver Phase II Development project.

It was moved and seconded that the WSU Board of Regents approve preliminary design documents, grant permission to proceed with construction documents, and delegate authority to the President or his designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, to approve construction documents, advertise for bids and award a construction contract for the Campus Infrastructure part of the WSU Vancouver Phase II Development, if a budget can be established within the funds available. Carried.

12. Report by the Vice President for Extended University Affairs. Vice President for Extended University Affairs Les Purce highlighted a meeting he attended last week in Vancouver with the Alumni Association where they discussed strategies to improve growth of the association and better ways to provide educational services for alumni. He indicated there are life-long learners out there, and our alumni are ideal contacts for continued learning. Vice President Purce also reported on the learning centers and provided an update of the efforts that have occurred in this area over the last few months. One of the recent activities in this area involved a visit by county commissioners to experience the technology available and to understand the implications for education that are involved with the new technology. Vice President Purce discussed some of the keys for success in this year and beyond, including the essential element of the partnership with the counties.

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Regent Goldmark asked Vice President Purce to characterize the commissioners’ and counties’ response to the learning centers, and Vice President Purce emphasized the positive response to this partnership and the new technology.

Vice President Purce further reported on his experiences recently at a national distance learning conference and indicated he was impressed by the ideas and planning to address certain issues, such as curriculum, to contribute to statewide efforts in this area.

13. Communications Task Force Report. Regent Dick Davis provided a report from the Communications Task Force meeting held yesterday. He stated that the communication that is occurring is quite positive and that WSU has an outstanding Communications Plan. He said, however, the real work is now beginning and we must work on the external environment with issues such as faculty salaries, assessment, etc. He discussed the difference between reality and perceptions and that we must be aggressive with our communications strategy. He emphasized we must sell where we are and where we are going.

14. WSU Foundation Report. Vice President for Extended University Affairs Les Purce provided a brief report on the Foundation and stated the Campaign is going very well, that we continue to move toward our goal, and emphasized the strong leadership role played by Associate Vice President for University Advancement Connie Kravas. He said we have had key supporters and that as they move toward the spring and summer, we will have very gratifying reports for the Board.

15. Election of Officers. It was moved and seconded that John W. Ellis be elected to serve as President of the WSU Board of Regents, that Richard R. Albrecht be elected to serve as Vice President of the WSU Board of Regents, with the understanding that he shall act as President protempore in the absence of the President, with the power to preside at the meetings and to sign all instruments required to be executed by the WSU Board of Regents, and that Sallie A. Giffen be appointed to serve as Treasurer of the WSU Board of Regents for the year beginning May 1, 1996. Carried.

16. Recognition of Regent Phyllis J. Campbell. Regent John Ellis provided congratulatory comments to Phyllis Campbell for her leadership ability, common sense, and capable guidance demonstrated over the past year as President of the Board. He presented her with a certificate of appreciation from President Smith and members of the Board of Regents.

President Sam Smith echoed Regent Ellis’ comments concerning Phyllis Campbell and asked for a round of applause to thank her for her service to the University.

17. Executive Session. At 10:36 a.m., the Regents adjourned for an Executive Session to consider a litigation issue. The discussion lasted for approximately 20 minutes. The Board then adjourned and reconvened in Open Meeting in the Food Science Building, Room T101 for a presentation on Virtual Education. After the presentation, the Board returned to the

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Regents’ Room of the Lewis Alumni Centre for lunch and a presentation by President Smith concerning the way higher education is changing in the state of Washington.

The meeting adjourned at 1:22 p.m.