Kassandra Vogel

Kassandra Vogel recently gained her undergraduate degrees in Economics and English from Washington State University in May 2024 and is continuing her education with a Master of Applied Economics. Before serving as Student Regent, Kassandra was the Deputy Director of Campus Sustainability at the Associated Students of Washington State University on the Pullman Campus. In this role, she worked closely with student groups and liaised with faculty and local stakeholders to gain comprehensive insights into WSU and the broader community’s waste management infrastructure. She also had the opportunity to serve as a co-chair of the Student Experience subcommittee on WSU’s system-wide Sustainability Task Force, contributing to the university’s broader mission of sustainability and responsible resource management. Kassandra is deeply passionate about student representation and advocating for the student body.

A portrait of Student Regent Kassandra Vogel

Office: Member (Student Regent)
Hometown: Vancouver, WA
Term Expires: June 30, 2025