January 25, 2002

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call in Open Meeting at 9:32 a.m., on Friday, January 25, 2002, in Honors Hall, at Washington State University, Pullman.

Present: Regent Robert D. Fukai, President; Regents Betsy Cowles, Darren P. Eastman, Peter J. Goldmark, Steven R. Hill, William Marler, and V. Rafael Stone; President V. Lane Rawlins, Provost Robert C. Bates, Vice President for Business Affairs Gregory P. Royer, Vice President for University Relations Sally P. Savage, Vice President for Student Affairs Charlene Jaeger, Interim Vice President for Information Technology Mary Doyle, Senior Assistant Attorney General Antoinette Ursich, Faculty Senate Chair William Cofer, GPSA President Victoria Hansel-Kuehn, ASWSU President Jesse Keene, and Alumni Association President Ed Little.

1. Opening Remarks: Regent Robert Fukai welcomed everyone to Honors Hall and noted that the living and learning environment of Honors Hall is just one example of a vision that has become a reality, much like the Strategic Plan. When you provide the best undergraduate experience and excellent facilities such as these, the plan is a success.

Regent Fukai’s emphasized his World Class Face to Face introduction by recognizing three Pac-10 Academic Student Athletes: Ms. Melissa Boyle, a senior majoring in Communications from Boise, Idaho who is also a middle blocker and the volleyball team leader; Mr. Jeremy Williams, a sophomore majoring in Communications from Spokane, Washington who is a starting defensive lineman for the football team and is also a peer academic counselor; Mr. Collin Henderson, a junior majoring in Sport Management from Puyallup, Washington who is a wide receiver and punt returner on the football team, this is Collins second time to be named to the All Pac-10 Academic football team. The students provided a few comments about themselves.

Athletic Director Jim Sterk provided remarks regarding these outstanding student athletes. They represent a great group of student scholars and leaders and thanked the Board for recognizing them.

2. President of the University: President Rawlins welcomed Dr. Mary Wack, Dean of Honors College, and thanked her for hosting the meeting today. Dr. Wack thanked President Rawlins and the Board, she mentioned that Honors Hall is the first living/learning complex where a residence hall and academic unit coexist.

President Rawlins also welcomed Dr. Robert Bates to his first time at the table as Provost and Academic Vice President of Washington State University. Dr. Bates remarked that he is glad to be at Washington State University and looks to a bright future for this institution.

3. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the minutes of the meeting of January 25, 2002. Carried.

4. Reports from University Groups. The reports from the University Groups are attached as Exhibit A.

Faculty Senate Chair Bill Cofer reviewed his report as submitted to the Board. He thanked the Academic and Faculty Affairs Committee for visiting faculty and a few labs in his department yesterday. They were pleased to host them and the faculty enjoyed their visit. He noted items that passed at the November and December Faculty Senate meetings. He touched on items of interest that included the visit of Representative Don Cox. He met with faculty and student leaders to discuss a variety of issues with the state government and higher education.

GPSA President Victoria Hansel-Kuehn reviewed her report as submitted to the Board. She highlighted that the GPSA Executive Committee has voted to expand their usual Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week to be a month of events and programming this year in honor of the Century of Graduate Education Celebration. She also announced that the new GPSA satellite office in McCoy Hall would be opening this month. The office allows District Representatives for Pharmacy and Vet Med to field questions and distribute information from a more convenient location. She thanked Dean Bayly for his support in that project.

ASWSU President Jesse Keene reviewed his report as submitted to the Board. The “Up All Night” event has been very successful and was held at the Compton Union Building. “Celebrity Servers” helped make the second “Up All Night” a success and thanked VP Jaeger and her husband, Karl Boehmke and other administrators for participating. He thanked Regent Alhadeff for his generous financial contribution to Up All Night that helped ASWSU begin the programming. ASWSU is working with the City of Pullman in finding new ways to address rental properties, owners, and agencies to find substantial housing on College Hill. They are currently working with Facilities Development in the creation and expansion of some ideas for College Hill development/redevelopment. He also expressed concern on the potential tuition increased that may occur to balance the deficit left by the budget cuts announced in December. He said that ASWSU stands by the fact that the best situation for students financially is for tuition to remain at the levels currently approved by the Regents, they recognize the possibility of tuition increases for the next school year.

Alumni Associate President Ed Little reviewed his report as submitted to the Board. He started off his report by congratulating Coach Mike Price and Athletic Director Jim Sterk for the wonderful football season and the high quality program they are running. He went on to highlight the Cougar Holiday Experience and the Board of Directors Spring Meeting.

5. Executive, Planning, and Budget Committee. Regent Robert Fukai reported that the committee reviewed the action items of the Strategic Plan, the naming for the Center for Undergraduate Education, and the recommendation for the Regents Distinguished Alumni Award. The committee discussed the Governor’s budget recommendation. He also mentioned that Vice President Mary Doyle gave an update on the Strategic Plan for Information Technology.

6. Governors Budget Recommendation. President V. Lane Rawlins gave a report on the impacts of the Governor’s Budget recommendation. There is a serious state shortfall of $1.2 billion due to economic depression, the actions of Sept. 11 events, and other factors. It is not possible without new revenue sources for the Governor to balance the budget without making reductions in agencies. The Governor has presented a budget, which is now being considered by the Legislature. Executive Budget Director, Karl Boehmke, provided a review of the Governors Budget Recommendation and the potential impact on WSU.

President Rawlins noted that one of the goals of the Strategic Plan is to continue to generate trust in community through communication and sharing of important items. The budget making process is one of those processes that will be shared and communicated.

See PowerPoint presentation given by Karl Boehmke as Exhibit B.

Regent Marler expressed his concern on the Governor’s proposal and the impacts it has for WSU and the proposed 18% tuition increase will then shift the financial obligation to support higher education to the students and their families. A large increase in tuition will increase the debt burden of students. A large debt limits our students’ ability to be flexible when they graduate from college to make some decisions on what they can and cannot do with respect to public service.

Regent Eastman asked whether there have been discussion about increasing financial aid grants and scholarships, not just loans. Karl Boehmke replied the one bright spot the Governor increased the state need grant. However, there will be more loans available.

President Rawlins commented this would create a need to kick-off a drive for scholarship funding. It’s a long-term challenge and we need to take advantage of new opportunities to gain support.

7. Naming of the Center for Undergraduate Education. President Rawlins commented that the newly opened facility is first rate. It provides the students the best undergraduate experience available to them. The facility is in the center of campus, and it is crowded with students. It is a building the Regents can be very proud of and he is very pleased to recommend naming of the building the Samuel H. Smith Center for Undergraduate Education.

Regent Marler concurred with President Rawlins. He had the opportunity to tour the building and also noted that there are students in every section of the building. This is the perfect name for the facility and a tribute to President Smith’s vision. It is a real capstone to recognize the career of President Smith.

It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents approve the naming of the Center for Undergraduate Education Building the Samuel H. Smith Center for Undergraduate Education. Carried

President Rawlins introduced former President Samuel H. Smith. President Smith thanked the Regents.

8. Regent’s Distinguished Alumnus Award. Dr. Karen DePauw introduced the Regent’s Distinguished Alumnus Award nominee Dr. James Blackwell and the celebration of the Century of Graduate Education. She then introduced Dr. James Short former Dean of Graduate School and professor of Sociology. Dr. Short provided comments regarding the distinguished career of his former graduate student, Dr. James E. Blackwell.

It was moved and seconded that the Board of Regents designate Dr. James E. Blackwell as the thirty-first recipient of the Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award. Carried.

*The Board took a 10-minute break and reconvened at 11:00 a.m. Regent Goldmark served for Regent Fukai who had to leave the meeting for a short period of time.

9. Strategic Plan. President Rawlins provided an update on the final draft of the Strategic Plan. The plan allows us to reaffirm the things that this institution stands for and the processes in which we need to take to reach our objectives. President Rawlins introduced the Strategic Planning Oversight Committee members, many of who were present, and thanked them for their tireless and unselfish effort. The SPOC group helped to set the tone and the path for a great future for WSU as one of the nation’s leading academic institutions. The committee members recognized were; Chair of the Committee and Dean, College of Pharmacy Bill Fassett, Vice President for University Relations Sally Savage; Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Barbara Couture, Associate Professor of Accounting, Information Systems and Business Law Robert Greenberg; Vancouver Campus CEO Hal Dengerink; Professor and Associate Dean, WSU Spokane Joann Asher Thompson; Executive Budget Director Karl Boehmke; and Dean and Director of Cooperative Extension Mike Tate.

Bill Fassett also extended thanks to Ms. BJ Carlson for her outstanding assistance and dedication for helping him and the committee throughout the entire planning process.

President Rawlins provided a presentation on the Strategic Plan. He noted that the plan before the Board for approval today is not something that will sit on the shelf, it’s an open-ended document that describes where we’re trying to go and provides steps to get there. It will continually change. The spirit of it is a refocusing of this institution on our most important values.

See PowerPoint presentation given by President Rawlins as Exhibit C.

Regent Goldmark commented in terms of the Boards perspective and commended President Rawlins for beginning this process immediately upon assumed the Presidency of the institution. He said the Board is particularly pleased that the difficult task of preparing a Strategic Plan has blossomed into much more than what he originally intended and has generated many positive results that will help it into the future. On behalf of the Board, Regent Goldmark expressed his approval of the results of the planning process and the Strategic Plan.

Regent Hill congratulated President Rawlins and the SPOC committee on a job well done and has enjoyed reading the letter and will look forward to reading it next year as to the progress of the Strategic Plan.

It was moved and then seconded that the Board of Regents approve the Washington State University Strategic Plan submitted by President V. Lane Rawlins. Carried.

*Regent Goldmark turned the meeting back over to Regent Fukai.

Regent Fukai added his support to the planning process.

10. University Relations Liaison’s Committee Report. Regent Cowles commented on their informative meeting and that the Strategic Plan was a good connection to the Integrated Marketing Plan. She indicated that there are positive messages all across the state that WSU is a great institution. Getting that communication plan out is a huge undertaking and Vice President Savage and her team have done an incredible job.

11. Report from the Vice President for University Relations. Vice President for University Relations Sally Savage said that the many efforts the University has been working on are coming together and they reinforce each other for great results.

12. Report from the Interim Vice President for Information Technology. Interim Vice President for Information Technology Mary Doyle updated the Board on two items. She mentioned that Information Technology has begun their Strategic Planning process and plans to have it in place by January 2003, and that IT has implemented central virus protection on the e-mail file servers.

13. Academic and Faculty Affairs Committee. Regent Marler reported that Academic and Faculty Affairs Committee wanted to get out to other places on campus. They plan to visit faculty at their office, and laboratory locations. Their first visit was to Sloan Hall where they visited with the Faculty Senate Leadership and learned that there is broad support on the strategic planning process. They visited to the Hydraulics Lab and learned about spectacular things they are doing hydrology issues around the dams and how they are moving into the direction of salmon restoration. They also visited the laboratory of Professor George Mount, Civil and Environment Engineering.

14. Report from the Provost and Academic Vice President. Provost and Academic Vice President Robert Bates reported that Capital Project hearings have begun and he is becoming acquainted the various constituents within the university community. He also reported that the implementation of the Strategic Plan would become a primary activity in the coming months.

15. Business Affairs Committee. Regent Stone reported that in addition to reviewing the Strategic Plan, they discussed the WSU Vancouver Student Services Center, parking issues, WSU Prosser Water Upgrade, real estate purchases, and they also discussed Capital Projects in general. He indicated that the committee would have an interim meeting in March to discuss the Energy Plant Redevelopment. They expect to seek final approval on the mentioned items and on an Energy Plant Redevelopment proposal in March.

16. Contracts Under Previous Delegation of Authority Vice President for Business Affairs Greg Royer reported that we have entered into the following contracts:

Indoor Practice Facility, Shea Graham Construction, Inc., Spokane, WA
Webster Physical Sciences Building – Elevator Modernization, Shindler Elevator
Corp, Spokane, WA
Entomology Greenhouse – Addition to Greenhouse 111, Lydig Construction,
Inc., Spokane, WA

17. Completion of Construction. Vice President for Business Affairs Greg reported that the following construction projects have been completed:

Center for Undergraduate Education, Lydig Construction, Spokane, WA
WSU Spokane, Health Sciences Building, Riverpoint Higher Education Campus,
Shea Construction, Spokane, WA

18. Quarterly Report of Appointments of Consultants, Architects and Engineers under Delegation of Authority. Vice President for Business Affairs Greg Royer provided the quarterly report of consulting firms appointed through Capital Planning and Development, and Facilities Operations for projects during the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (October 2001 through December 2001).

19. Housing and Dining Rates, 2002-2003. Vice President for Business Affairs Greg Royer reported that the Housing and Dining Rates Setting Committee reviewed the operation expenses of the Housing and Dining System and the financial needs and obligations of the system for the academic year 2002-2003. After the review, the committee recommended the following rate increase for next year. Residence Halls – 7.5%, Residence Dining Account – 7.5%, University Family Apartments – 4.1%, and University Single Student Apartments – 4.1%.

20. Report from the Vice President for Business Affairs. Vice President Greg Royer introduced Karen Kellerman, Sr. Investment Fund Manger. He commented how pleased he is to have her on board. He then reported on Cougar Pride Day, which involves campus involvement to beautify the campus. It will be a weeklong effort beginning March 28 and encouraged everyone to get involved and help clean up the campus.

21. Student Affairs Committee. Regent Cowles reported on the committee meeting that was held in Honors Hall Library. They had an exciting report about how things are going with applications and recruiting. She reported there are increasing numbers of top high school student scholars applying for admission. They received a report on the Freshmen Seminar Program. It is a transitional program between high school and college where new freshman have a place to go to meet with their peers. They also received a report on the future of dining on campus.

22. Report from the Vice President for Student Affairs. Vice President Charlene Jaeger reported that second semester has gotten off to a great start and that students are really supportive of the Cougar Pride Day that Greg Royer mentioned earlier. Many student clubs will be involved. Student Affairs has completed an assessment Program Review and they are now preparing their Strategic Plan. The reorganization between Student Affairs and Business Affairs is going very well.

23. Presidents Report. President Rawlins reported that it is a mixed environment we have now but WSU is in good shape and will continue to make progress. He commented on the outstanding leadership team in place and after listening to all the reports, he is proud to be a part of this team and is grateful for the support of the Board.

At 12:15 p.m., the Regents’ Meeting adjourned.

Approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting held at the
Consolidated Information Center, Richland, Washington,
March 15, 2002