January 24, 1997

The Board of Regents of Washington State University met pursuant to call, in Open Meeting, at 9:06 a.m. on Friday, January 24, 1997, in the Lewis Alumni Centre, Pullman, Washington.

Present: John W. Ellis, President; Regents: Richard R. Albrecht, Kenneth Alhadeff, Phyllis J. Campbell, Richard A. Davis, Peter J. Goldmark, Joe King, and Carmen Otero; President Samuel H. Smith, Interim Provost Geoffrey L. Gamble, Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie A. Giffen, Vice President for Extended University Affairs Thomas L. Purce, University Counsel Sally P. Savage, Assistant Attorney General Diane McDaniel, Faculty Senate Chair Val Limburg, Staff Senate President Francis Benjamin, Alumni Association President Ann Edlund, GPSA President Oliver Bangera, and ASWSU President Matt Caires.

Also present were: Executive Director of Budget and Planning Gregory P. Royer, Assistant Attorney General Lori Lamb, Vice Provost for Student Affairs K. J. “Gus” Kravas, Vice Provost for Human Relations and Resources Ernestine Madison, Interim Vice Provost for Learning and Technology Mahmoud M. Abdel Monem, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Robert V. Smith, and Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs Ernest J. Renfro.

1. Welcoming Remarks and Introductions. Regent John Ellis called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. President Sam Smith introduced the following individuals: Dr. Kelvin Lynn, new Director of the Materials Research Center; Dr. Valipuram Manoranjan, new Chair of the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics; Mr. Bill Mercier, new Director of Public Safety and Chief of Police; and Dr. Michael Skinner, new Director of the Reproductive Biology Center.

2. Minutes. It was moved and seconded that the WSU Board of Regents approve the minutes of the meeting of November 22, 1996. Carried.

3. Reports by University Groups. Faculty Senate Chair Val Limburg reported on the following: a survey conducted by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA; WSU Faculty Senate priorities for the coming year, including increasing public and political support for higher education; and items of concern, including the academic calendar and whether or not WSU should continue its practice of having Monday holidays.

Staff Senate President Francis Benjamin reported on the following: the need for computer training for staff, including a joint effort by the Staff Senate, GPSA, and the administration to bring this training together for both the WSU and the branch campuses; the consultants report and the Staff Senate’s anticipation of the release of this report so that they might assist in bringing the best possible improvements to WSU; legislative issues, including the house bill for a half-time employee fee waiver; Staff Senate growth and efforts to better link the branch campuses with current events at WSU; and contacts and networking with

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Staff Senates at other universities, including the positive impression held by members of other Staff Senates concerning the shared-governance process at WSU.

GPSA President Oliver Bangera reported on the following: progress made with the graduate student conduct code; update on the study center, including the upgrade of all its computers to Pentiums; and efforts in the area of service, including support for brining the AIDS quilt to campus and support being provided to the local food bank.

ASWSU President Matt Caires reported on the following: joint project between ASWSU/GPSA to bring the AIDS quilt to campus; safety on Greek Row; WSU tuition week to raise awareness in the study body about legislative efforts to raise tuition; sponsorship of the Veterans’ Memorial; the Bill Chipman Palouse Path/Bike Trail; WSU book store improvements; and the Student Recreation Facility and his visits to other campuses to view existing facilities

Regent John Ellis noted that the Regents support the idea of a student recreation center on campus and agree that this would be an outstanding facility.

Alumni Association President Ann Edlund reported on Student Alumni Programs, including Crimson Company, Student Alumni Connection, and the Alumni Foundation Leadership Scholarships (30 non-need $1,000 scholarships provided each year by the Alumni Association). Ms. Edlund also introduced several students from the Student Alumni Connection who spoke about efforts to involve students at WSU. Their goal is for students to be active now, so that they will continue to be active alums after departing WSU. The Student Alumni Connection hosts several events on campus each year, such as the Community Christmas Tree Program for Senior Citizens.

Regent Ken Alhadeff voiced his support and applauded the efforts of the students for their hard work and dedication to WSU.

4. Budget Update. Interim Provost Geoff Gamble provided an update on the 1997-99 budget request which included a comparison of WSU’s request to the Higher Education Coordinating Board recommendation and Governor Lowry’s budget. He indicated that the House and Senate versions are still to come, as well as Governor Locke’s budget submittal.

A copy of Interim Provost Gamble’s handout is provided as Exhibit A.

5. Pilot Project Review. Interim Provost Gamble introduced the following individuals who provided a review of pilot projects in the areas of Human Development and General Education: Dr. Jay Teachman, Chair of the Department of Human Development; Dr. Randy Day, Professor of Human Development; Dr. Richard Law, Director of General Education; and Dr. Richard Hooker, General Education faculty member.

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Dr. Teachman and Dr. Day discussed course delivery, degree completion, the changing boundaries of education, student vs. teacher centered education, and student demands relative to the pilot projects in Human Development. Dr. Teachman noted that the approach taken with the Human Development pilot projects is that learning is “student centered” and takes place through usage of various technologies, including CD ROM, video imaging, and the World Wide Web. These projects emphasize that students become more in charge of their education and that learning is a lifelong process.

Dr. Law and Dr. Hooker provided information about the applications of technology in General Education courses, specifically within world civilization courses, and demonstrated course delivery “on line,” including assignments, the delivery of course materials related to different web sites, etc. Dr. Law noted that his world civilization course follows a traditional model of education in that it is “instructor centered,” rather than student centered. Drs. Law and Hooker demonstrated how instruction is enhanced through the use of new technologies.

The Regents asked several questions about the pilot projects, including whether or not there is a process for peer review. Dr. Law indicated that his course materials go through a process of development, implementation, and revision and are edited by three different individuals.

Regent Davis indicated it would be helpful to have an opportunity in the future to discuss this again relative to assessment issues and student reaction to the courses.

6. Virtual WSU Update. Interim Vice Provost for Learning and Technology Mahmoud M. Abdel Monem provided an update on Virtual WSU, including issues having to do with infrastructure and course conversion/content transformation; pilot projects to be funded from the Boeing Gift; proposed course conversions from the 1997-99 biennial appropriation; faculty access; student access; the equipping of classrooms and laboratories; student services; and templates for content transformation/content conversion.

7. Academic Affairs Study Group Report. Regent Peter Goldmark reported that the Academic Affairs Study Group discussed assessment issues, including the many assessments that are occurring at this time. In addition, the agenda for the Academic Affairs Study Group included a discussion on the National Guard Tuition Waiver, budget issues, enrollment issues, and Summer Session revenue projection/tuition.

8. Technology Task Force Report. Regent John Ellis reported that the Technology Task Force had reviewed issues related to those that had been provided in Interim Vice Provost Monem’s update, such as technology training and certification, templates for course content transformation/conversion, programmatic evaluation, and other Virtual WSU issues.

9. Diversity Advisory Subcommittee Report. Regent Carmen Otero reported that Vice Provost for Human Relations and Resources Ernestine Madison had provided the

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Subcommittee with a progress report on diversity efforts at WSU. She said the Subcommittee was pleased to welcome Regent Alhadeff as a member of this group.

10. National Guard Tuition Waiver. Interim Provost Geoff Gamble provided background information to the Regents about the current policy permitting full-time college and university faculty and classified and professional staff to take courses on a space-available basis. Under the current policy, these employees are permitted to do so tuition exempt at the institutions where they are employed. He noted that WSU is currently seeking the same eligibility for half-time employees through a legislative amendment. Interim Provost Gamble stated that the 1996 legislature added members of the Washington National Guard to the current RCW permitting full-time employees to enroll in classes.

It was moved and seconded that, effective Fall 1997, the WSU Board of Regents approve the granting of space available tuition waivers to members of the Washington National Guard and grant authority to the President to establish the rules for the Space Available Waiver Program. Carried.

11. Report by the Vice President for Business Affairs. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that the 1996 Financial Report had been completed and had been provided to the Regents.

12. Trust Lands/Business Affairs Study Group Report. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that the Trust Lands/Business Affairs Study Group had met the day before and had discussed legislative issues. In addition, she stated that Director of Statewide Affairs Larry Ganders and Special Counsel Doug Lawrence provided an update on cost management and diversification relative to WSU’s trust lands.

13. Completion of Contracts (over $2,500). Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that on the authority delegated to her at the meeting of June 24, 1994, she had approved satisfactory completion of the following contracts:

TRG, Inc., for the student information system, in the final amount of $354,744.

Mike Coman Construction, for the remodel of rooms 120, 150, and 160 in Holland Library, in the final amount of $152,422.

R.R.A.CO., Inc., for exterior surface repair of Clark Hall, and exterior work on the Multicultural Building, in the final amount of $146,643.

Palouse Empire, Inc., for remodel of lab rooms 151 and 143 of the Webster Physical Science Building, in the final amount of $38,811.

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14. Housing and Dining System Rates. Vice President for Business Affairs Sallie Giffen reported that the process for reviewing the Housing and Dining System rates is an open one, with many people involved in reviewing the plans. She said the recommendation is for an increase of 4 percent over the current rates. In addition, she said it was recommended that WSU place a “freeze” in the residence hall prices for all continuing residents so that students who return to the residence halls next year would pay this year’s prices as long as they remaining a continuous resident (excluding summers). Vice President Giffen stated that they believe this will help in terms of recruiting efforts and in keeping students in the residence halls.

The Regents asked if this policy would conflict with the time-to-degree policy and if a student had to have a minimum number of credits to qualify. Vice President Giffen responded that this will be carefully monitored and that the students did have to hold a minimum number of credits.

Regent Campbell asked if the students were involved in the process, and both the ASWSU and the GPSA officers responded they supported this and that the students were involved.

15. Executive Session. At 10:50 a.m., the Regents met in Executive Session to consider pending litigation. The session lasted approximately 20 minutes and was followed by a short break. The Regents’ meeting reconvened in open session at 11:20 a.m.

16. Report by the Vice President for Extended University Affairs. Vice President for Extended University Affairs Les Purce provided information about WSU’s legislative agenda, including sessions with Presidents Smith and McCormick and business leaders, many legislative contacts, editorial board visits, workshops and presentations. In addition, Vice President Purce provided information about the Affinity Card Program and an update on the existing Learning Centers. He stated that we are working with the legislature for Learning Centers in eight additional areas. Vice President Purce also provided a brief report on Cooperative Extension and an update on Educational Telecommunications.

17. Communications Task Force Report. Executive Director of Budget and Planning Greg Royer reported that the Communications Task Force had met the day before. He noted that there has been strong coordination between the Strategic Communication Plans, as well as between the staff in collaboration with administrative leaders. He said the Task Force reviewed a report that had been presented before the legislature regarding faculty salaries. In addition, the Task Force will further review the HEC Board’s report on accountability.

18. Request for Defense of a University Employee. Assistant Attorney General Diane McDaniel stated that the matters for which defense is being requested have been explained and that she has reviewed the circumstances of the cases and believes that the employees have acted within the scope of their employment.

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It was moved and seconded that the WSU Board of Regents adopt the Resolutions appearing in Exhibits B-F, finding that the named employees acted within the scope of their authority and in good faith with regard to conduct alleged by the plaintiffs to be wrongful, and requesting the attorney general to defend them against the claims brought by the following: Joanne R. Washburn in Whitman County Superior Court, Sue M. Durrant in Whitman County Superior Court, Cynthia A. Christie in Whitman County Superior Court, Marilyn Mowatt in Whitman County Superior Court, and Lee Ann Winters in Whitman County Superior Court, and Alberta Brassfield in Whitman County Superior Court. Carried.

19. 11:00 Presentation: Accountability and Assessment. Interim Provost Geoff Gamble provided the opening to the Accountability and Assessment presentation. He stated that accountability, efficiency and customer focus are key concepts for Washington State University as it moves into the 21st century. He further stated that the institution has a wealth of assessment data at its disposal and it is important to understand what these data can tell us in order to select and appropriately utilize the most useful measures to guide planning and resource allocation. He said today’s discussion will center on graduate program assessment and a review of accreditation.

Interim Provost Gamble introduced Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Robert V. Smith, who discussed Graduate Program Review, and Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Karen DePauw, who provided a report on accreditation.

Vice Provost Smith’s report is outlined in Exhibit G. Associate Vice Provost DePauw’s report is outlined in Exhibit H.

At the 12:06 p.m., the Regents’ meeting was adjourned. The Regents had lunch in the Alumni Centre Great Hall, followed by a visit to the new Veterinary Teaching Hospital where they were provided with a tour and presentation of the facility.