Douglas T. Picha

Douglas Picha retired as the President of the Seattle Children’s Foundation in January 2022. He had served in that role since the Foundation was established in 1982. He also served as a senior executive with the Seattle Children’s healthcare system before retiring.

In that capacity, Mr.  Picha oversaw a comprehensive effort to attract volunteers and private philanthropic support for the benefit of Seattle Children’s. Before his retirement, he helped lead a comprehensive “It Starts With Yes” Campaign which, when completed, totaled over $1.4 billion in donations. Seattle Children’s Foundation has consistently been ranked as one of the largest healthcare philanthropic organizations in the country.

Mr. Picha is a 1975 graduate of Washington State University (WSU) where he received the Alumni Achievement Award in 2002. In 2006 he was the recipient of the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy’s Si Seymour Award which is the highest honor given to an individual in the healthcare philanthropy profession.

In 1990 Mr. Picha founded the Woodmark Group which is comprised of twenty-nine of the world’s largest children’s hospitals. From this organization, which is comprised of peer institutions, he founded a North American $10,000 annual gift program known as the Children’s Circle of Care. This initiative was launched in September, 1995 with over 600 major donors. In 2023, there were nearly 8,000 CCC-level donors who together gave $830 million to their respective children’s hospitals.

Mr. Picha served on the Board of Trustees of the College Success Foundation (CSF) in both Washington State and Washington D.C. from 2007-2019. CSF primarily serves first generation college students from around the country.

He currently serves as a member of the Washington State University Board of Regents. He also serves as a Board of Trustees Member of the Seattle Time’s Community Impact Fund.

He resides with his wife Cassie on Bainbridge Island, Washington. They have four grown children and eight grandchildren.

A portrait of Board of Regent Doug Picha

Office: Member
Hometown: Bainbridge Island
Term Expires: September 30, 2029