Roger O. McClellan, DVM
Roger O. McClellan Selected to Receive University’s Highest Alumni Honor
Roger O. McClellan, a doctor of veterinary medicine and an expert in toxicology and human health risk analysis, is the recipient of the 2008 Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus Award, the highest honor granted to Washington State University alumni.
Dr. McClellan is internationally recognized for his distinguished accomplishments and expertise in inhalation toxicology and human health risk analysis. He was instrumental in the development of renowned research institutes and educational programs, and has served as a scientific advisor to more than 100 public and private organizations, both national and international, on the evaluation of risks from environmental and occupational exposures, such as airborne chemicals, radioactivity, and vehicle emissions.
During his extensive career in pioneering research, Dr. McClellan has authored or co-authored more than 350 scientific papers and co-edited 10 books in the fields of inhalation toxicology, comparative medicine, and human health risk analysis. The research he and his colleagues conducted has expanded the knowledge base for understanding and assessing the adverse health effects of environmental and occupational exposure to radiation and chemicals, and greatly influenced regulatory decisions and control measures.
Dr. McClellan frequently lectures on risk assessment and air pollution issues throughout the United States and abroad. He is a strong advocate of risk-based decision-making and the need to integrate data from epidemiological, controlled clinical, laboratory animal, and cell studies to assess human health risks of exposure to toxic materials.
Dr. McClellan has been awarded numerous accolades for his contributions to his fields. A few of them are: two Distinguished Associate awards from the U.S. Department of Energy for outstanding scientific vision and research leadership in inhalation toxicology, radiation biology, and environmental health sciences; an International Aerosol Fellow Award from the International Aerosol Research Assembly for outstanding contributions to aerosol science and technology; an International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Award for outstanding contributions to improving the science for risk-based decision-making; the Arnold J. Lehman Award from the Society of Toxicology for major contributions to the control of chemical agents; and election to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences based on contributions to improving human health.
Dr. McClellan recalled his days at WSU, saying “I have had the good fortune of a supportive family, dedicated teachers, superb fellow students and colleagues from whom I have learned a great deal. These relationships all enriched my life. Most of all, I had wonderful mentors, starting in high school and continuing at WSU and beyond, who guided me without constraining me. They instilled in me confidence in my abilities and enthusiasm for taking on new challenges in science, management, and the public policy arena.”
The Regents’ Distinguished Alumnus/a Award honors alumni “who shall have made a truly distinguished contribution to society, or who, through personal achievement, shall have brought distinction to Washington State University.”